30 April 2019

An Artist’s Way ~ Sunrise Sunset

Greetings Dear Reader,

At the place where I spend my morning prayer time, I often get to see the color of the sky long before the sunlight cascades through the window or the rain drums upon it.   I used to live on the Atlantic coast and had a picture window that treated me to hundreds of sunrises filled with richness and beauty.  After that, I lived on the beach on the Gulf coast and enjoyed many fiery sunsets just as lovely.

The morning and evening light show are something I ponder often.  Given the idea discussed yesterday, that we are in a place of constant creation, it makes me consider the many ways that the Creator expresses his artistry.  The sun, our light and sustainer of life for this world, is eternally rising and setting.  The Father constantly creates the beauty of dusk and dawn. 

He gives us daily opportunities to see that he is an artist and has created artistry in us.  We are one of the many ways he expresses his creativity: Psalm 65:8 (NIV) “The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy.”  In our wonder at the beauty of the world, do we remember to see the Father in the creation of it?  Do we see that he is expressing his love for us through creativity?

My creativity often finds inspiration in creation.  I am almost always moved by beauty in the sunrise and sunset.  I must follow my Creator and his example of constant creation.  Like the sunrise, I can choose to be constantly creating space for new love, kindness, and grace within me in outwardly toward those I encounter.  In that call is also the call to create more life and hope.  I am going to see creation as an expression of love from the Father and find better ways to share it with others.  You are welcome to join me Dear Reader.

Dawn Spawn
By Aramis Thorn

Salmon dawn swims against the darkness,
Spawning another day.
Yet it is we who face the peril of fighting the flow,
Ours is the call to return
to that place,
to that time,
to our birth.
It is our internal call to move upstream,
to climb the falls,
to defy the very nature of things,
to prevent the death of day.
So that when today’s fight against the ever-encroaching darkness is done,
We have given birth to more light, more love, more life.
So that that day will come when day will never need spawning again.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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29 April 2019

An Artist’s Way ~ Constant Creation

Greetings Dear Reader,

I was in the North Carolina mountains most of the day yesterday after church.  I went to a specific place to pray for someone I love.  As I drove through the Chattahoochee, Cherokee, and Sumter National Forests, I saw the full force of Spring making its presence known and felt. 

I was reminded of a Resurrection Sunday years ago when traveling with this same person.  She was overwhelmed by the deep rich variations of green in the freshly blooming world.  Tolkien says it well in his poem I Sit Beside the Fire and Think, “In every wood, in every Spring there is a different green.”  I felt this same rush of the beauty of constant creation. 

I realize that you do not all agree with my view of how we got here.  Still one must acknowledge the vast artistry in the world through which we travel.  I have the added bonus of having someone to thank for it.  I am sure you would not begrudge me that Dear Reader.   

I mentioned a few weeks back that we are always on the mind of God.  Job says that if the Father was to stop thinking of us for an instant that we would cease to exist.  We are also, therefore, in the state of constant creation.  The Father renews his love and mercy to us moment by moment.  We who are requested to create are in a state of constant creation.  We are asked to imitate the Father in this.  We are asked to render new and beautiful things from what we are given.

Ponder with me what this world could be like.  Consider with me what it is that we must do.  We are permitted to render new things from our gifts, our abilities.  We can use our intellect and will to create things that make lives better, fuller, and richer.  If we do this out of love for the Father and each other, we can truly render amazing things.

When I write, I do so as an act of worship to the Father.  I work to hone the gift he has given me.  I want to do this every day and have my life sustained through this work.  What is your art Dear Reader?  I want to hear about what you create even if you think it mundane.  There is great beauty in simplicity.

Doulos – Kemper Crabb

You are my God
And I am your man
I will follow you
With the work of my hand
And the thoughts of my mind
And the love of my heart

If the world could know
If they could understand
Ah, the exquisite touch
Of the Creator's hand
Brings a blur to my eye
But makes my vision clear

Ring, rainbow ring
Encircles the throne
Fiery ring of love
Around your throne

Here is my ear
Drive through the nail
The world will know
By the ring that I wear
That I am not for sale
For you are my God
And I am your man

Ring, rainbow ring
Encircles the throne
Fiery ring of love
Around your throne
A ring to show
Just where I stand
A ring that binds my heart
Into your hand

You are my God
And I am your man

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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28 April 2019

An Artist’s Way ~ Opening Thoughts

Greetings Dear Reader,

In a discussion with my brother recently, we were dwelling on all the beauty in the world.  We talked about how much of it has a transitory nature.  I was reminded of something my dad used to say when we would be out seeing amazing things in the world, “Look now because it would never be the same again.”  This has remained with me for life.

The thinking I have been doing around that also reminds me of a book that created major changes in my approach to my writing and its place in my following Christ.  The book, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron is one I would recommend to any artist and not just writers.  You can acquire it quite cheaply if you do not mind purchasing used books.  I often give my copy away so I often have to buy it.

I realize that some of you may be thinking this irrelevant to you as you are not an “artist”.   One of my thoughts is to challenge that.  Artistry is not limited to art as defined by those in the arts.  There is an art to creating everything whether it is painting, writing computer code, or overseeing the installation of large water mains by the highway.  We are all artists of what we do or create.  There is a reason for this.

We are designed by a Creator to create.  We are intended to be sub-creators.  We are meant to bring into the world good and better things.  I cannot draw anything that looks like it is supposed to look.  I can create with words.  I can play the guitar and flute and have composed a song or two.  I cook a fair meal.  I can do some technological things that have beauty in them. 

The point is that I long to create and I believe that we all have this same longing is some way.  I would like to spend some time thinking through the artistry of the Father and how it helps us understand his love for us in a better way.  There is great beauty in this truth.  I would invite you to walk with me for a bit and discuss the artist’s way along the journey.  Your artistry is a poem that you create for the world whether you ever show it or not Dear Reader.  I long to know you better and value the uniqueness of how you are created to create.  Please keep me company as I strive to more deeply understand the Artist that created me to “bring forth new and old things from his great treasure store.”

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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27 April 2019

Second Thoughts ~ An End Game Review with Zero Spoilers

Greetings Dear Reader,

If you have not yet seen Avengers: End Game, I found it excellent.  I will likely see it again in the next week or so.  I am going to review and there will be zero spoilers.  Please do not spoil it for anyone if you have seen it.

Pointy stick guy saddened by snap and dusty days.  Trash-Panda Bunny hops into action with a boom-stick.  Avengers argue, cry, and assemble to fight Thanos.  Things run between hopeful and despair for hours.   And the ending - they show the credits and the Marvel logo.

There is a Stan Lee cameo that will elicit chuckles and tears.  We all knew this and were still tickled and stung.  It may be the most real thing about Thanos, we lost his creator in a snap.  I struggle with this reality still.

Some of our heroes cannot agree on what to do.  Some do that with which they do not agree.  Some of them seem to have lost all hope and some hope when all seems hopeless.  People around you will gasp, gaffe, and giggle.   You will too.

Practical advice for viewing: 
  • Pee as late as you can before it starts.
  • There is not a good point to slip out for a potty break. 
  • Get the large popcorn. 
  • Do not get the large soda (see bathroom advice). 
  • Bring some tissue (not a spoiler, you might get a runny nose).
  • Help make Trash-Panda Bunny a meme.
  • Go to this movie with someone, you will need the company.
  • God somewhere after where you can discuss all the ins and outs but be considerate of those around you who may not have seen the movie yet.

Enjoy the movie Dear Reader.  If you need to discuss afterward feel free to write or message me.  Oh, and I have questions when you are ready. 
Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
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I Do Not Care ~ Closing Thoughts

Greetings Dear Reader,

I think that drawing this out is unnecessary.   I have thought my way through it and rediscovered some things that matter to me.  I am also anxious to devote my thinking to some other matters.  It is, however, vital that I draw clear conclusions if I am going to apply what I have learned.

In short, the Father does not care what we have already done.  He was not surprised by it.  He had already put in place his response to us.  He desires that we see his love for us in every instant.  It does not matter how we begin to follow his Son.  It matters eternally that we do so.

We can express all of our doubt and fear.  We can justify our wrong and deny our need but that will not change the truth.  The Father does not care how we find his Son.  He cares that we find him.  There is nothing that we can imagine that is stronger than his love for us.  This is reason enough to love him in return and love others.  It is reason enough to believe that he will find a way to make all things good again.  That is the path I seek to follow even when I am failing.

April is almost gone.  The road is calling but I do not yet have leave to leave.  For now, I will continue to ponder and pray.  I will keep pursuing the life of a scrivener and enjoy your company on the journey Dear Reader.  There are great things on the horizon and it keeps getting closer.  The Father does not care where you come from as long as you find your way to him.  I must, therefore, strive to not care either.  Help me see how to love you more Dear Reader.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
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26 April 2019

I Do Not Care ~ Amnesty Versus Atonement

Greetings Dear Reader,

The debate about illegal entry into our country is quieter than in the past months but it is still there.  It is true that there are humans that have crossed our borders without permission in violation of our federal laws.  There is no way around that truth.

There are those who would say that the border laws are unjust.  There are those who fight for them. I am not going to weigh in on what should be done about the needs of people on both sides.  I do not want to ignore that there are needs of humans that Christ followers may not relegate to the responsibly of governments or social organizations.  The needs of others are our obligation if we feign to profess faith in Christ.

That, however, is not my focus today.  My concern is that we understand that on some level there must be aware that the law was broken.  It is not sacrosanct like the laws of the Father, but it still a fact that justice has been violated and must be satisfied.  This does not require that put people in jail.  It does require that we address the law.

Please stay with me.  I am not about to propose a solution.  I am about to explain options that we do not consider.  Most of the individuals who find themselves in this country illegally were trying to make life better for themselves and their families.  Even that is not what matters.

One of the other options I see as viable is amnesty.  It requires that we leave justice unsatisfied and forgive the transgression of the law as it stands.  That is not wrong in this case if it is done carefully and well.  It is not the kind of transgression that removes our responsibility for compassion and mercy. 

There are crimes for which amnesty is not an option.  We do not set free or forgive the crimes of murderers.  Those who sell drugs or do purposeful harm to others must atone for their crimes.  They must find a way to pay the debt incurred from violation of the law.

I do not care where you come from, this country raised itself up with a standard of caring for those in need.  It has always failed to live this out in some way both internally and externally.  Our treatment of Native Tribes, Africans brought here by force, European and Asian immigrants, our own Japanese citizens, and currently, anyone from South America reveals that we apply the idea of sanctuary erratically.   We do not administer justice beyond our laws very well at all.  Our love and compassion are too often measured out by one’s social status or point of origin. 

Then, we face the point where our personal need for amnesty arises.  We do so much that is in violation of laws far beyond any government or imaginary border.  We fail to live by the simple commands to love God and love each other as a daily routine.  We are in desperate need of amnesty for this but the Father’s justice must be satisfied.  Further, we cannot atone for what we have done to violate his justice.  We do not have the capacity.  We are incapable of paying for our crimes, ever. 

This is the entire point of the atonement of Christ.  He died once for the transgression of every law everywhere.  He made it clear that in our transgression and in his atonement, we are all equal.  He does not care where we come from or how we got there.   He cares that we see his love for us and accept his payment on our behalf in faith. 

Everything about time is geared toward getting us back in harmony with that which is ultimately good.  This is beyond what we call good.  It is the good that flowed through the world before we began to transgress the universal laws of love.  It is the Father expressing his love for us no matter who we are or what we have done.  That, Dear Reader, is what this is all about. 

The focus is not condemnation because we have done wrong.  It is the idea of getting us back to at-one-ment with the Father.  It is in love, creating unity again that satisfies his justice when we cannot.  The moment we think that we can accomplish this or limit who has access to it, we are more in need of the amnesty of the atonement than ever.  Thoughts? 

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
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25 April 2019

I Do Not Care ~ Approaching Amnesty

Greetings Dear Reader,

From anger to shame, we all have reasons why we resist good things.  We feel unworthy or dislike the source.  We resist what we know is good for us because of reasons that do not make sense to anyone but us.

We also argue over mercy and grace.  We think that there are people unworthy of mercy because we have gauged their wrongs more heinous than ours. This is one of those comparisons that uses the wrong standard.  We compare our wrong to that of those we consider worse than us so that we feel better about ourselves.

What we must do is compare our very best to the goodness and love of the Father.  If we are honest, we are found wanting.  We do not measure up to his goodness and love.  This is the very heart of mercy and grace.  “The Father directs his love toward us in that whilst we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

God does not care what is in our past.  He already knew what we were going to do when he created the world.  The reason that the cross is the turn of the tide and time is this very thing.  Christ bridges all that was done and all that ever will be done from his painful purchase above the cursed ground.   He hangs there for us to look up from any moment and see what was done to show how much we are loved.

He spans the entire history of humans and draws it to himself declaring that he does not care where you come from; he wishes you to come.  He draws you from wherever you are and asks that you see his pain is for your redemption.  You need pay nothing.  You do not have to fix this or that thing that is wrong with you.  He asks that you see his offer and come as you are.

Whether you think that you are completely unworthy or believe that you are good enough, you are mistaken.  He declared us both worthy and in need through his suffering on our behalf.  We all need the gift of the Father’s mercy and grace purchased by the Son on that tree.  For the record Dear Reader, I do not care what you have done.  I am willing to follow with you.  I am willing to walk with you.  We can discuss this as much as you wish.

Come as You Are – Crowder

Come out of sadness
From wherever you've been
Come broken hearted
Let rescue begin
Come find your mercy
Oh sinner come kneel
Earth has no sorrow
That heaven can't heal
Earth has no sorrow
That heaven can't heal

So lay down your burdens
Lay down your shame
All who are broken
Lift up your face
Oh wanderer come home
You're not too far
So lay down your hurt
Lay down your heart
Come as you are

There's hope for the hopeless
And all those who've strayed
Come sit at the table
Come taste the grace
There's rest for the weary
Rest that endures
Earth has no sorrow
That heaven can't cure

So lay down your burdens
Lay down your shame
All who are broken
Lift up your face
Oh wanderer come home
You're not too far
Lay down your hurt
Lay down your heart
Come as you are
Come as you are
Fall in his arms
Come as you are

There's joy for the morning
Oh sinner be still
Earth has no sorrow
That heaven can't heal
Earth has no sorrow
That heaven can't heal

So lay down your burdens
Lay down your shame
All who are broken
Lift up your face
Oh wanderer come home
You're not too far

So lay down your hurt
Lay down your heart
Come as you are
Come as you are
Come as you are
Come as you are

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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24 April 2019

I Do Not Care ~ Never Let You Go

Greetings Dear Reader,

I want to relate an event told to me by one of my closest friends.  It is true.  A man and his adult daughter were watching a movie one evening.  They were sitting in a double recliner.  The man fell asleep toward the end of the movie.  What unfolds was told to him by his daughter.

She had planned that night to take her own life.  After he fell asleep, he took hold of her hand.  She did not want to wake him so she waited for him to let go of it.  He never did.  When she tried to slip away, he tightened his grip and would not let go.  He slept deeply whilst she sat there pondering why she could not get away to accomplish her task.

I have a serious blind spot at times that leads to foolishness often.  Because we see love in this world as something conditional, we forget that it is not always that way.  At times we see humans succeed in loving unconditionally.  It is, however, less common than it should be.

The Son is much different.  We cannot truly escape him.  Once he has us in hand, he will never let go of us.  Think about his interaction with disciples after they had rejected and denied him.  He sought them out and reminded them that they were his.  When they abandoned the mission to return to fishing, he still sought them out to bring them back to faith and following.

The entire idea of grace and redemption is that God will never forsake us.  Beyond that, his love will never lessen.  His pursuit of us is constant.  The opportunity to be embraced by it exists in every moment.  We need only look for it.

My flaw is that I think that I have to do something to keep the love of the Father and Son clear in my life.  I think that I hold onto God when in truth he always holds me.  No one can take me from his hand. 

The world would be much different if we would see that the human failure to constantly love each other is not what is real.  What is genuine is that I can see the love of the Father for me in every moment that I choose to see it. The Father does not care what I have done.  He is always there to love me and restore me to seeing his love for me. This is where I must live.  This is where I must walk. 
Everything else is powerless in light of this.  Unlike humans, God will never give up on me.  I am never alone.  This is the foundation of my journey.  This is why I ask you to journey with me Dear Reader, so that we can enjoy this love together.

I know what you've been hearing
I've seen you hide your fear
Embarrassed by your weaknesses
Afraid to let Me near
I wish you knew how much I long
For you to understand
No matter what may happen, child
I'll never let go of your hand

I know you've been forsaken
By all you've known before
When you've failed their expectations
They frown and close the door
But even though your heart itself
Should lose the will to stand
No matter what may happen, child
I'll never let go of your hand

The life that I have given you
No one can take away
I've sealed it with My Spirit, blood, and word
The everlasting Father has made His covenant with you
And He's stronger than the world you've seen and heard
So don't you fear to show them
All the love I have for you

I'll be with you everywhere
In everything you do
And even if you do it wrong
And miss the joy I planned
I'll never, never let go of your hand
The life that I have given you
No one can take away
I've sealed it with My Spirit, blood, and word
The everlasting Father has made His covenant with you
And He's stronger than the world you've seen and heard
So don't you fear to show them
All the love I have for you

I'll be with you everywhere
In everything you do
And even if you do it wrong
And miss the joy I planned
I'll never, never let go of your hand
I'll never let go of your hand

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:

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23 April 2019

I Do Not Care ~ Opening Thoughts

Greetings Dear Reader,

Is it possible that “I don’t care” sounds harsher than “I do not care”? I think that the contraction relates an intensity that goes beyond emphasis and inflection.  The expression of not caring has its own binary inference.  It is never neutral even though it may convey indifference.

When used in the negative, it is a hurtful thing.  Whether one is expressing indifference or injecting venom, the phrase rejects something that matters to the receiver.  It minimizes, denies, and harms.  The negative employment of the phrase deprives another of joy intentionally.

The positive employment of this phrase, however, can be powerful as well.  It can be freeing, healing, and restorative.  It can give an opportunity for restoration and reconciliation.  It can show a change in that one no longer cares about things that once caused division.  It can reveal growth and wisdom. 

I need to spend some time evaluating what truly matters the Father in terms of following his Son.  If the foundation is love, there are things that must not matter moving forward down the path.  An honest understanding and adaptation of this can lead to great forgiveness between humans.  We throw away things that matter and hold on to things that do not.  It makes the journey burdensome.

In changing out what I carry with me, I feel this exercise is necessary more often than I have previously considered.  Someone gave me more insight into this recently and reminded me how few things the Father cares about beyond his love for us.  Even when we are wrong, his love is not mitigated in the least. 

As I walk through this over the next few days, please walk with me Dear Reader.  If I am going to love you properly, I need to let you see me lay aside things that do not matter to the Father.  I need for you to see that I will hold on to the things that do matter to him.  Perhaps, you too can ponder with me about what really matters.  As always, your thoughts and questions are welcome.

I loved you long before the time your eyes first saw the day
And everything I've done has been to help you on the way
But you took all that you wanted then, at last, you took your leave,
And traded off a Kingdom for the lies that you believed

And although you've chosen darkness with its miseries and fears
Although you've gone so far from Me and wasted all those years
Even though my name's been spattered by the mire in which you lie
I'd take you back this instant if you'd turn to Me and cry.

I don't care where you've been sleeping, I don't who's made your bed
I've already gave My life to set you free;
There's no sin you could imagine that is stronger than my love,
And it's all yours if you'll come home again to Me.

When you come back to your senses and you see who's been to blame,
Remember all the good things that were yours with just My name;
Then don't waste another thought before you change the way you're bound
I'll be running out to meet you if you'll only turn around

I don't care where you've been sleeping, I don't who's made your bed
I've already gave My life to set you free;
There's no sin you could imagine that is stronger than my love,
And it's all yours if you'll come home again to Me.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:

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22 April 2019

Holy Week 2019 ~ Where is the Love? ~ Half Priced Chocolate

Greetings Dear Reader,

In many parts of the world, today is a holiday as well.  It is Easter Monday.  Over one hundred and twenty countries celebrate today as well as yesterday.  In some, it is even a public holiday.  The intent in the liturgical calendar is to extend the celebration of the Resurrection into an entire week.  Services are supposed to be bright and reflect the joy that is the risen Jesus.

In this country, it is one of the great half-price-chocolate holidays.  The pretty floral bonnets are put away.  The ham is reduced to sandwich meat.  Children will return to school for a restless few weeks before summer break begins.  Forgotten eggs lie in wait around the house and yard to reveal their odious presence as the days warm.  Our hope, however, is in getting bags of our favorite chocolate at half the retail price.

We put the resurrection away much more quickly than we do Christmas.  We congratulate ourselves on having commemorated it.  We do not, I think, get changed enough by it.  I am going to try to put a little laser focus on this closing thought. 

I have been asking about love all year.  It is my foundational theme for my blog this entire year.  We are almost through a third of that year.  In asking where the love is during Holy Week, I am asking that we see that it is all about getting back to a world where love rules and all things are good.  We do not seem to be able to get to the foundational point.  It is this: God loves us.  He wants us to love him and each other.  That reality will make things good again.

We cannot get traction on changing the world for the better until we build this as the foundation.  We are capable of finding many reasons not to act in a loving way but none of them are valid.  If I live every moment seeking to love God and my neighbor, I can truly make a difference.  I can move things closer to good.

Many people will express their love for chocolate today.  If they put that energy into loving each other, the world could change.  We all know in the deepest part of our soul that this is true.  Everything about Jesus’ actions during Holy Week is to ask us to see the Father’s love for us and to love each other.  All of his opposition acted in ways contrary to the idea of love for God and neighbor.

As I turn the corner toward summer, I ponder what warmth I can carry from the resurrection that will warm the souls of those I encounter.  I want to walk with a greater sense of what it means to love others with a true depth of heart and soul.  I yearn for everyone to see that everything Jesus suffered was to show him or her the extent to which he is willing to go to show his love. 

If you have not gotten this yet, I must be expressing myself unclearly Dear Reader.  God loves you.  He loves you right where and when you are.  Your circumstances matter but do not impact the level of the Father’s love for you.  Every good thing in the world is an expression of this.  The entire idea of Passover and the Crucifixion is his paying the ultimate human price to express his divine love for you. 

The Father wants you to seek him in love and in truth.  He is not trying to make you follow a list of rules or diminished who you are.  He wants justice, kindness, goodness, and freedom to fill the universe.  He is nudging us back to a world where everything is good.  We are not there yet, so, he gives is many good things along the way to reveal his love for us.  Oh, and there is still half-price chocolate.    

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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