30 April 2020

You Do Not Get to Know Why ~ It is All Mine

Greetings Dear Reader,

I love giving gifts to others.  I know that part of that extends from my desire to do this in the right way.  An understanding that is vital to gift-giving is that once the gift is given, you no longer own it.  Once the gift is received it carries with it a responsibility to stewardship and gratitude.  

A gift received requires that for the sake of honor, we say thank you, we use what we are given wisely, and that we understand that some gifts carry with them great responsibility.  I realize that this may be an odd thing with which to begin, but it will bear the point for us quite well. 

Life is a gift.  It is ours to live as we wish but the gift comes with great responsibility to the one who gave it to us.  When I gave my eldest Son his first car, he knew that he had to care for it, drive responsibly, and be accountable for his use of the car.  On a grander scale, the life we are given by the Father is like this.

We think that we are entitled due to own autonomy.  We think that our life is ours and that we control aspects of the world.  This is a lie we tell ourselves to believe that we can do as we wish without consequence.  This leads to questions concerning the character of God.  As I said yesterday, the questions are not wrong but the way in which we ask them is vital. 

The questions about the Father’s character are not new.  If I ask them in faith that there is a reasonable answer, then I am on the path to truth.  If I question God’s character from a stance of anger or judgment, I am forgetting that he literally owns all of creation including our lives.  We are his to do with as he wishes.  Instead of making us puppets, he has given us a measure of autonomy to choose whether or not to love him. 

We are his because he made us.  Then, when we rejected him, selling our relationship with him for “freedom” to do as we please, he bought us out of the consequences of that transaction.  I am not ignorant of the fact that we use God’s omniscience to question the morality of his allowing us to fail.  He knows, however, that his plan is to redeem us from the failures of our choices to use his gift poorly. 

One of the reasons we do not get to know why is that we may not be able to comprehend the perspective necessary to understand why.  If, however, I begin with the understanding that no matter what I choose to do with the life given me by the Father, that he still loves me, I can also understand a wee bit more of his purpose.  Remember that the command that is greatest is to love the Father.  Then it is to love each other.  The God of all things is primarily interested in love.  This is why the gift of life is precious and why I must ask my questions out of love for him.  It makes the why less of a problem and as we will consider tomorrow, less offensive. 

I will focus on loving the Father and when I do not understand, I will trust him as I should a Father who loves me.  It is all his and is in his hands.  It is all an opportunity to have faith and renew my love for him in every situation.  It is how we follow the Son.  It is how we use this gift of life we are given. 

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
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29 April 2020

You Do Not Get to Know Why ~ Opening Thoughts

Greetings Dear Reader,

As children, we begin to ask this question as soon as we realize it is a question.   I often think that of all the questions we can ask, the ones that begin with “why” are the most dangerous.  We often turn the request for why into a demand.

When we ask why it is not wrong.  I want to be clear from the outset that it is not bad to ask the question.  It is, however, vital that we know the heart and mind behind the question before we ask it.  Who, where, when, and how get at the substance of facts.  The question why is a leap into philosophy.   It, therefore, begs the question of why we are asking why.

All of the other questions lead down the path to knowledge and good science.  This wanting to know why leads to philosophy and faith.  The question is allowable but the heart must be involved in a positive way.

Let us look at Job as an example.  He is declared righteous and good; unlike anyone in the world.  He loses everything including his children in a day.  The Father is asking Job a very clear question, “Am I enough for you?”  Job asks in response to the events the question of why all this has happened to him.  The Father responds with instruction of a frustrating nature outside of an understanding of who God is.

Job does not get to know why.   God challenges Job’s authority to ask the question.  I think we do not challenge our “why” enough.  We use it to demand explanations that perhaps we are not entitled to have.   We also use why as a weapon to guilt others.  We use why to ask questions out of anger and pain.   I am thinking there is a better path.

I need to walk my way through this question and questions revolve around my attitude and heart.   It is my obligation to make sure that when I ask why I am doing so in faith and love.  It is vital that when I seek understanding of a situation with the Father that I do so believing that any answer is acceptable.  I am going to deal with some tender areas in order to do this.  Please walk with me and ask all the questions you wish including those that begin with why.  Share your thoughts and insights so that we can journey well together.  We can become better at this if we try.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
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Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
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28 April 2020

Build it Better ~ Closing Thoughts

Greetings Dear Reader,

Things change.  That is the only constant in the universe outside of God.  The cosmic dance reels and whirls through its steps.  We are the tiny spec in the backwater galaxy that gets to think it is all alone in that dance.

We have missteps and stumbles.  We choose to tear down good things and build up ones that are bad.  What if we chose to take a beat before we begin to build again?  What if we used the remaining time of seclusion to learn how to be still?  Building takes planning.  There is much less activity at a drafting table or in a project plan than there is in the actual building.  That is, however, where dreams and hope begin to take shape.

What we can do is use the time to plan how we will build it better.  We can determine what steps in the dance we wish to follow and ones we need to leave behind.  We can stop chasing bad creativity in our minds by laying aside worry and fear.  We can pursue the steps of good and right by using our creativity to create them.

That which drives us cannot be condition or circumstance.  The music must be the song of love from the Father played on the instruments of faith and hope.  At the heart of it all, we do wish for things to be back to good.  We are not always willing to do what it takes to get there.

I must plan, project, and pray in ways that allow the Father to have his will and me to release the things that are not worthy of building.  I must not indulge in the negative and dark.  I must be still for a bit and listen, learn, and linger.  It is the Father who will give us what we need including the will to follow his Son well in the dance.  I am going to spend some time laying here, forgetting the world, and holding onto the Father.

He promises to be with me through it all.  He gives me moments in the dance where I can pause and be his alone.  I do not think we will create a utopian world on our own.  We hold too much selfishness still for that.  What we can create pockets of love and hope.  We can dance in faith.  There are times, however, when we must be still to know that he is God.   We must let him be the one who carries us as we are still and learn from him.

I challenge you to listen to this song as a prayer.  I do not think that the author intended it that way but it works for me.  We will get there.  I hope it is together.  We can build it better if we choose.  You are always welcome to walk or just lay here with me, Dear Reader.

Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol

We'll do it all, Everything
On our own
We don't need anything
Or anyone
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
I don't quite know
How to say how I feel
Those three words are said too much
They're not enough
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Forget what we're told before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life
Let's waste time chasing cars
Around our heads
I need your grace to remind me
To find my own
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Forget what we're told before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life
All that I am
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see
I don't know where; confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
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27 April 2020

Build it Better ~ To Not From

Greetings Dear Reader,

The first scene of Chariots of Fire is of men running on the beach.  The iconic music and the timber of the scene tells us that these men are running to something.  Then there are the scenes in movies where it is obvious that someone is running from something.

We can tell by the person running whether they are running from or to something.  It sets the tone for the movie of the scene.  It tells us how to think and feel about the characters involved. 

When we are doing the same it is not always as obvious.  The scene we set is usually hidden when we are running from something.  Whether it is a person or circumstance, we try to hide it when we are running.  When we are driven by fear, pain, and anger, we make poor choices about where we are headed. 

We are all going somewhere.  We journey from point to point and choose our path and progress.  It is up to us whether we run from things or toward good.  All of our choices point toward our direction and the feelings we embrace.  Each choice is moving away from and toward something.

What I must run toward is that which is not temporal of based on fear.  We must seek that which is lasting and filled with love.  Like that scene in Chariots of Fire, we will find those who run with us.  We can run toward Christ each moment and support each other in doing it.   It is not a race against each other.  It is a race against seasons and time. 

It is our journey to run to not from.  It is our place to run this race together.  It is my obligation to run well and finish the course with a heart full of love and grace.  Our destination is always forward.  The only way out is through.  The only way home is to traverse the dark valleys and sunlit fields in faith. 

Even when I feel weary, I have the power to keep going if I choose it.  I do not even need to depend on my own strength.  The Father will provide all I need if I chase the Son and look forward not backward.  You are always welcome to run with me, Dear Reader.   We have someplace to go and I love your company.  With each step, we build it better if we keep our focus.

Pilgrims to the City of GodMichael Card

Pilgrims of passion we follow the One
Who holds out a cross and a crown
We travel a dark road that has but one Light
For we have here no lasting town

Sometimes we run by the power of His might
On our own, at the best, we can plod
What we hopefully look for is just beyond sight
We are pilgrims to the city of God

The stigma of strangers lost in a strange land
In a fallen world that's not our home
But we are not homeless prodigals here
Because we have someplace to go

Sometimes we run by the power of His might
On our own, at the best, we can plod
What we hopefully look for is just beyond sight
We are pilgrims to the city of God

Behold you have come to Mount Zion
The City of Great King
To thousands and thousands of angels who've come
Assembled to joyfully sing, they sing

Sometimes we run by the power of His might
On our own, at the best, we can plod
What we hopefully look for is just beyond sight
We are pilgrims to the city of God

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon          
Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
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26 April 2020

Build it Better ~ Here There Be Dragons

Greetings Dear Reader,

Yesterday held more time for thinking than anticipated.  The day carried in it sunshine, mild temperatures, and a light breeze.  I drove through the mountains looking for property on behalf of a friend. 

Most of my thinking was positive and pleasant.  Every once in awhile, however, a thought would drop that was worry or loss.  Anger at situations outside of my control would try to grasp power over my thinking, distracting me from the beauty around me.  These dragons of the mind lurk in the shadows wishing for the power they once had over me. 

I used to easily feed them.  They ruled the landscape of my creativity.  I would waste hours brooding and imagining the worst.  Time was squandered plotting revenge or the next move in my plans.  Those dragons hoarded all of my love and I became poor at showing love to others.

As these dragons tried to poke their heads out from the shadows yesterday, I refused to feed them.  I cannot slay them forever.  I can through love and grace keep them at bay.  I can use good thinking, disciplined by faith to withhold that which gives them power.  It helps me understand why we are required to bring into captivity every thought. 

If we are going to build better, we must lay aside doubt and fear.  Anger and bitterness must be walled up and starved.  We must embrace faith, love, and courage as we rebuild from the inside.  The Father promises the strength and grace we need to do this if we are willing.  It is a life-long battle but worth it.

I awake this morning realizing that I am stronger than I was.  I also realize that I must keep constant vigil over the dragons that lurk in my mind.  They must never be given space to feed or grow.  They must not have a voice or, worse, action. 

If we are going to build it better Dear Reader, we must choose to not take up the things that hinder that effort.  We must lay aside old anger and bitterness.  As we emerge from this long dark, we can do so with the dragons caged and their prisoner, our mind free.  I can follow in faith if I avoid anger, I can do so with love and grace.  I want to extend that love to you, Dear Reader.  I wish for us all to be free from the dragons of the mind that would keep us from this.  By grace from the Father, we can journey home in freedom if we will.  Please walk a little further with me.
Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon          
Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
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25 April 2020

Build it Better ~ What You Get

Greetings Dear Reader,

This is the time of year where I usually rant about the poor quality of modern-day Cracker Jack prizes.  They have diminished drastically in quality since I was a youth.  I loved them enough to make them a feature in a short story I wrote about baseball.

For your benefit, it used to be that the prizes in a box of Cracker Jack (it not “Jacks”) were things to be wanted, valued, and traded.  One could use them.  It was something to prize.  It would make your friends envious.  Thought and quality went into what you were given in the box of popcorn and peanuts.

In the midst of that disappointment, I still buy Cracker Jack.  I still enjoy it.  If I am completely open about it, I still hope that I will get a whistle, a top, or a small pewter airplane when I dig into a box.  I know I will not but I still hope. 

There was a time when I was at a Braves’ game with my Grandfather.   The prize in my Cracker Jack was game where you have to get the tiny balls in the holes all at once.  I already had two of them and was yearning for the pewter airplane.  When I complained about it my Grandfather wisely answered.  What he said stuck with me.

Diverting his attention from the baseball game, he turned and looked at me.  With all the love in that he held for me, he said, “You do not always get what you ask for.  You get what you are given and are required to do your best to love with that.”   He did not shame me or make me feel bad.  He gently taught me how to look for ways to show love with what I have.  This was only the beginning of that lesson and he lived it out in front of me every time we were together.

We can only work with what we are given, Dear Reader.  We may not have what we want but as we build again, we can still do better with what we are given.  We can lay aside the desire to complain that we do not have enough.  We can work with what we are given and do all that we can to do so in love.

I will never be able to love others as well as I should but I can take what I am given and use it to build better acts of love toward others.  I can refuse to complain about what I have.  I can focus on being grateful for it and use it to love others.  I will choose to build it better by accepting what I get and working to make every encounter one that leaves others feeling loved and valued. 

The world will be broken until the Father brings it all back to good.  I can complain about the world I am given or I can work to love others.  I am learning that the latter makes for a richer and more joyful life.  Let us build it better together, Dear Reader.  If we do, we will be very pleased with what we get.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon          
Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
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24 April 2020

Build it Better ~ Dream Builders

Greetings Dear Reader,

I read an article on the intelligence of starting a new business during a time of crisis.  The article basically related that people are looking for something new and that those who are building stand out from those who are complaining or giving up.  I have a dear friend who is building during this time and see the value in staging for when things are better.

I too have been building on my dreams.  Since this time is focused on faith and following, I will not go into that now.  I will say that our dreams are never destroyed by circumstance unless we allow it.  It may be that we are slowed down, have to take a different approach, or find new ways to build.  None of that means that the dream should be set aside. 

If I am going to follow Christ faithfully, I must see that he has it all under his control.  I do not know enough to judge that.  I am, however, certain that the choices are always the right ones when he makes them.   I make mistakes.  I fail to follow faithfully.  The thing is this; Jesus already knows what my dreams are and how he is working to give me the best ones.  He already plans how things will unfold and waits for me to accept his pacing and provision. 

It is the pursuit of dreams in which we find if our faith holds.  If it is not holding, we need to bolster the faith first.  It is no small thing to have faith.  Faith is the power behind all that we are as Christ-followers.  Love is the engine and faith is the fuel.  That is how we empower the will to dream.  That is how we keep moving in the wilderness.  It is how we quarantine without losing progress. 

I must remember that the Father is not surprised by any of this.  He has worked it all out, asked the Son to lead us, and asked that we follow in faith.  Part of keeping that faith is to hang on to my dreams and build them for when the day comes where they can have substance.   Everyone who gives up never gets there.  That is the truth of it.   You are always welcome to share your dreams with me.  I will believe with you.  I will support you and pray for you, Dear Reader.  Dream on and we will build your dream together.  When you have a moment, you can return the favor if you wish.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon          
Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
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23 April 2020

Second Thoughts ~ Everything is Empty

Greetings Dear Reader,

I grew up mostly in Atlanta.  I remember riding on the bus to school the day the “Population Now” sign passed 500,000 and the bus driver pointing it out.  The last time I saw it the number had passed 5,000,000. 

I had to drive from my small hamlet to Atlanta on Monday for an authentic reason.  If you do not know the interstate system in the greater Atlanta area it is a congested mess during rush hour.   I drove through the worst part of that system during morning drive time without touching my brakes once.

It was like the first episode of the Walking Dead when Rick is riding his horse along the interstate with no competition.  There were a few cars moving as I drove but the highway was eerily empty.  The traffic to my destination on surface streets was little different. 

I had to wait for a bit at my destination and waited in my car.  Even the place I had to visit was less busy than it should have been.  Where I parked was not marked against parking and there was no traffic.   Still, a worker came up and informed me and the driver in the car I had parked behind that we had to move.

I watched the driver of the other car berate the worker for his message.  When he came to me, I thanked him for doing his job when it was difficult.  I moved immediately to and empty library parking lot across from a Chic-fil-a.   Whilst I waited the additional hour, I saw the heaviest traffic of the day.  It was dozens of cars lining up to get chicken sandwiches. 

Even in the crowded emptiness, I saw a man do his job when it was difficult.  I witnessed somebody mistreat him for it.  I watched a trained crew serve lunch to hundreds of customers with skill and a bright spirit.  It all revealed that the world is so very empty.  It is the people who fill it.  They bring their hearts to the world and either treat others wrong or right.  In all of that, we either crowd the emptiness with good or ill. 

It is up to me to do good or to do ill.  It is my responsibility to do good.  The world needs all the good we can spare right now.  Even in the empty streets of large cities, we need to treat others great, not just good.  I need to be nice, kind, loving, and attentive.  It is how we make the journey joyous even through the lonely boulevards of cities under siege.  It is how we show Christ to others when it is most difficult.  Help others where you can, Dear Reader.  I will too.  Be kind in every circumstance even when those who lead us forget to do so.  The One we follow never forgets.

Crash-Barrier Waltzer – Jethro Tull

And here slip I --- dragging one foot in the gutter
in the midnight echo of the shop that sells cheap
And there sits she --- no bed, no bread, no butter ---
on a double yellow line --- where she can park anytime.
Old Lady Grey; crash-barrier waltzer ---
some only son's mother. Baker Street casualty.
Oh, Mr. Policeman --- blue shirt ballet master.
Feet in sticking plaster --- move the old lady on.
Strange pas-de-deux --- his Romeo to her Juliet.
Her sleeping draught, his poisoned regret.
No drunken bums allowed to sleep here in the
crowded emptiness.
Oh officer, let me send her to a cheap hotel ---
I'll pay the bill and make her well - like hell you
bloody will!
No do-good overkill. We must teach them
to be still more independent.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon          
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Build it Better ~ Beautiful City

Greetings Dear Reader,

I will write more about this later, but on Monday I had to drive into Atlanta.  I thought about how much the skyline has changed since I lived there as a boy.  When I was young, I could see the spaceship-like Polaris Room from my porch.    So often I dreamt of it being a real flying saucer and taking off into space in it.

As I drove through the city of my birth, I was amazed at how beautiful some parts of it are.  There are still large homes with vast lawns.  Even the smaller homes are farther apart than their likenesses in the northern Midwest.  It also occurred to me that the beauty of this place is not the blooming Dogwood trees or the ivy growing up brick walls that have stood for a century or more.

What makes a city beautiful is its people.  As long as there is hunger, homelessness, injustice, and violence, there is a taint on the beauty of any city.  Avalon mentioned to me last night that in her city, the quarantine has allowed the homeless to surface and be seen.  All I could think about that is what an opportunity we have to address this crisis as we begin to rebuild. 

I have pondered every day the people who have no shelter in which they can shelter in place.  They cannot get a mask or count on family to help their needs.  If we are going to build it better going forward, we must recognize that the homeless situation in our world is unacceptable.  I must see that the work is never done if people are hungry and outcast.  I have been there and no matter how much we talk about programs and organizations, it is our obligation to help.  The problem is ours.

We can build a better city in every city.  We can decide with one voice that this shall no longer stand.  We keep blaming the wealthy for our problems whilst ordering our vente lattés.  Perhaps it is time for us to emerge from our collective social adolescence.  Let us instead follow Christ in his command to love all of our neighbors the way he does.  Let us built is better, Dear Reader and make it a beautiful city.

Beautiful City – Godspell

Come sing with sweet rejoicing
Come sing with love
We're not afraid of voicing
All the things we're dreaming of
Oh, high and low,
And everywhere we go

Yes we can, oh yes we can
We can build a beautiful city
Call it ours, and call it the city of man

We don't need alabaster
We don't need chrome
We've got our special plaster
Take my hand (Take my hand)
I'll take you home (I'll take you home!)
We see nations rise in each other's eyes (in each other's eyes!)

We can build a beautiful city
Yes we can, oh yes we can
We can build a beautiful city
Call it ours, and call it the city of man

Come sing with sweet rejoicing
Come sing with love
We're not afraid of voicing all the things (all the things)
We're dreaming of (we're dreaming of)
Oh, high and low, and everywhere we go (everywhere we go)

We can build a beautiful city
Yes we can, oh yes we can
We can build a beautiful city
Call it ours, and call it the city of man

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
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Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon          
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