18 April 2020

Love in the Time of COVID ~ Starting with Respect

Greetings Dear Reader,

I once lost a friend over the idea that we are supposed to love everyone.  She insisted that we did not have to love everyone and became angry that I disagreed based on the commands of Jesus.  I have written plenty about this and I will stand firm that I am obligated to love every human.  If one is trying to learn to love others, even one’s enemies, there is a good place to begin.

It only takes a little bit of scrolling or clicking to see how deeply we can disrespect others.  We use the relative seclusion of social media to say horrid things about others.  We defame and dishonor others without regard for how it will do harm.  Ponder the things you see or even the things you say and determine if it is loving.

I am not saying that we cannot disagree with others or express our displeasure at actions.  The idea is that we speak the truth in love.  How we say something always matters.  How we approach others can determine how well we love.  We can measure our capacity to love others based on how we treat those we dislike.  It may reveal more about our love than how we are with those close to us.

If we wish to begin to love others, perhaps starting with respect is the key.  Some say respect is earned and not given.  This is not true.  We are to show respect to everyone as a form of showing love.  I must not engage in negative talk toward anyone whether I know the person or not.

It is not hard.  I have had a very pleasant exchange about ideas around a political issue with a friend who has opinions at least as strong as mine.   We both have engaged in disagreeing without judgment or unkindness.  This is how it should always be when we interact with others.

I must show my love by always showing respect for others.  Whether it is a child in a melt-down or a friend who is spewing hatred at another person we can be respectful.  We can speak about anything with each other if we lead with love through deference.  I am not saying subservience but, rather, mutual submission to love that yields common respect. 

This is necessary for me to show love.  I must not engage in negative talk about others whether the person is present or not.  I will follow Christ in this with all the grace that he provides for me to do it.  If I disagree with you, Dear Reader, I will do my best to do so kindly.  Disagreement is not failing to love.  As we walk together, I want you to feel safe to talk with me about anything.  I love you.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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