15 February 2020

Invincible Vulnerability ~ Closing Thoughts

Greetings Dear Reader,

We cannot be invulnerable.  When we try, the chinks in our armor are exposed.  The holes in our thoughts and beliefs are found.  That which assails us gets in and does damage.  We are flawed failed and vulnerable whether we wish it or not.

It is only when we use the armor that is not ours, but provided by the Spirit that we can achieve invincibility.  Faith, salvation, righteousness, truth, and the good news of Jesus Christ are our armor provided by the Father.  Around that armor is a cloak made of zealous love directed toward the Father and every human that lives.

When David faced Goliath, he refused the armor offered him because he had not proven it.  He had not tested it and learned to fight wearing it.  His weapon was a sling.  He had practiced over and over with it whilst tending his Father’s sheep.   Whilst bringing lunch to his brothers, he saw how his God was being treated, he became a warrior.

He knew that the Father was enough.  He knew that standing against Goliath was his only choice.  David chose five stones because Goliath had four brothers.  He embraced the good news that redemption provides and walked out to meet the giant.  He was unashamed to be armor-less because his armor was the truth that the Father had always protected him.  His righteousness protected his heart that burned with zeal for his God.  His head was covered and protected with the certain knowledge that the Father would save him.  Goliath’s sword and spear could not reach David because of his faith.

David was vulnerable but invincible.  His response to Goliath’s challenge burned from his love for God; "The LORD, who saved me from the lion and the bear, will save me from this Philistine."  When he needed a weapon, it was his love for God that fueled him. 

We can see from the Psalms that David wrote that he loved the Father with great zeal.  Despite the many times, he failed to live out that love, when called to account, it was where he always returned.  I must do the same.  I must rely on the Father to provide for my defense.   I have to attend to wearing what he has provided to do so.

When the attacks of others come, I am invincible in this stance.  I do not need to hate or fight.  Even when those I love reject me, there is no need to be destroyed.  I can instead use the vulnerability of loving others for the sake of loving the Father to fight and to win.  Victory will not look like I imagine it will.  It never does.  The win is far beyond what I can imagine, Dear Reader.  Knowing that I am obedient to the great commands is enough. 

As we move on down the path, it is in this armor I will walk.  It is this vulnerable invincibility that must be part of my determination to follow Christ in love.  We can withstand anything we must to share that love.  The journey home will not always be peaceful.  We need fear nothing, Dear Reader.  We need only wear the armor given and walk in the light provided by the Son.  Please keep walking with me, Dear Reader.  I do not have all the answers but I know where to go to find them.  One of those answers is that to be invincible we must be vulnerable to love.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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