23 May 2020

On Fear ~ Past Prologue

Greetings Dear Reader,

I was in a conversation with one of my family elders a few weeks ago.  This person cited an event from thirty years ago that was minor to me.  It was apparently major to my elder.  In reference to someone else in the family, this was said, “She lied about the amount of sugar she put in the iced tea so, she will always lie to you.”

Let us consider the things that are taking place here.  That which is past cannot be changed.  Someone is using the past to prejudge someone else’s future.  The prologue has become a judgmental dialogue that puts a loved one into a box from which they cannot escape.  Sugar in the iced tea may seem insignificant.  The difficulty is that we do this on a grander scale and give very little hopeful lease to the present.

What is the fear involved in the past failures of others?  It is that they will fail again.  Further, it is that they will fail us again.  We will be hurt.  Our hopes and expectations will not be met.  It then follows that we do not forgive fully, we reject, and we prejudge with condemnation.

It is our fear that leads us to assume the worst of others.  It is focusing on the unchangeable that leads us to deny others the opportunity to change.  This flies in the face of constant forgiveness.  It violates the rules of unconditional love.  We fear the pain of being hurt again and so we abandon our obligation to love and restore even those who harm us.  We prejudge the future based on the past and so withhold love in the moment.

I spent five years refusing to speak with a family member because of the constant pain the individual causes me in every encounter.  I want to say clearly that I was wrong.  I should have worked harder to show that individual love and worked at restoration.  Since I have broken the silence and am working at these things, the danger is still there.  The personal attacks are still constant.  The difference is me.  I refuse to let my fear determine my actions.  I refuse to withhold love and care. 

In my efforts to be unoffendable, what I fear clamors for control over my mind and will.  What I must do is follow Christ in loving those who assail me or even passively hurt me out of habit.  The past is prologue, Dear Reader but it is up to me to make today one where fear does not determine how I treat others.  It is up to me to journey well and follow Christ in grace, love, and mercy.  You are always welcome to join me.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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