02 June 2020

God Hates This ~ Hedges

Greetings Dear Reader,

When we think of hedges in our culture, they are mostly good things.  They serve as fence lines and border markers.  Properly groomed hedges make beautiful yards, sculptures, and mazes.

It is the social, intellectual, and political hedges we make that cause difficulty.  We saw it from the beginning.  When Eve speaks to the serpent about the Tree of Knowledge, she accurately says that they are not to eat from it.  She adds a hedge.  She continues that they are not to touch it or they will die. 

The Pharisees built a hedge around the Law making it burdensome and unbearable for the common Jew.  They used their hedge to rob and control people.  Leaf by leaf they increased their power over the people and corrupted the very Law they said they were protecting.

The church does the same thing.  They add hedges around the freedom we have in Christ.  Whether it is the Health and Wealth gospel or creating rules that are not backed up by the Bible, churches build hedgerows that limit our freedom in Christ.  They add barriers by creating a law or works that are “evidence” of our faith.

One example is when churches demonize any use of alcohol.  An honest reading of the Bible makes it clear that the Father allows us to enjoy alcohol and requires that we not abuse it.  Instead of teaching self-discipline and balance, some churches teach that it is always wrong and even require people to vow not to drink.  This is a hedge around the freedom we have in Christ that weakens us as followers.

The hedges we build are unhealthy.  We wall off something and limit our education and understanding.  The danger is that I am to follow in truth.  I am to have faith based on the Word of God and not the teaching of men.  The Father hates when we turn his freedom into bondage.  He hates when we use him to control others.  This is perhaps the most severe form of taking the Father’s name in vain; taking it for our own purposes.

If we follow only the truth of the Gospel, we will not hate anyone.  We will not build into our faith excuses to reject and wall off others.  Hedges are wrong when they are used to separate others from Christ.  I must follow in faith that the truth is enough.  I must not allow any hedge to come between me and loving others as Christ does.  I must not allow any hedge to be a place of offense for me or use a hedge to offend others.  Walls, Dear Reader, have no place in following Christ, even if they are beautiful hedges.  Their beauty hides a darkness that the Father hates.  That is reason enough to avoid them.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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