04 June 2020

God Hates This ~ Objectification

Greetings Dear Reader,

We hear the word objectification and immediately think of how women are often treated.  It is true that this is a horrid thing and it lends itself to a deeper understanding of how we treat each other.  I think that we have more to learn from this than appears on the surface.

If I examine how Jesus approached this, I can see that it is more serious.  When Jesus talks about immorality regarding women, he makes it clear that it is not simply immoral acts.  It is what goes on in my mind that he cares about.  It is what I think leads to forbidden actions.  Those thoughts are where respect or objectification are born.

When I see people as things, whether it is gender, race, or social status, I look past the human that is there; a human deserving of my love and respect.  I covet or hate something about the person instead of loving the human.  I am creating an idol that replaces the Father as my first fealty.  I am violating the greatest command; to love the Father with all my mind, heart, soul, and strength.

Whenever we objectify another human for any reason, we set aside the Father’s rightful place as our only focus for love.   It is in the place of that devoted love to God that we are able to obey the second command to love all humans regardless of their situation or circumstance.  We focus on what we want or what we reject instead of seeing every human life as sacred and lovable.

The entirety of the human race can be loved by us once we lay aside our objectification of others.  No one is a body part, a color, a gender, or an ideal.  There are differences we can celebrate and respect.  I must always see past the object to the person and love that person.  Whether they are someone who makes me happy (a neighbor) or kneeling on my neck (an enemy), I am supposed to love.  If they hate me for any reason, my obligation is to see past their objectification to the soul within that the Father loves. 

I cannot be perfect Dear Reader.  What I can do is my best to journey home having learned from my errors.  I can choose to capture my thoughts that objectify anyone for any reason and redirect them to love for that person.  It is at the center of this effort that peace is found even when all around me is vicious and violent.  Let us choose to love every human and quiet the thoughts that wish for us to objectify others for any reason.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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