18 September 2021

The Chosen ~ Healing Across the Series

Greetings Dear Reader, 

There will be spoilers.  This is your only warning.  This BLOG series will walk through each episode of the first two seasons of the amazing show The Chosen available free to watch at the link.  If you have not seen it, I encourage you to do so.  It is by far the best adaptation of the Gospels to film I have ever encountered. 

From the freeing of Mary from demons to the episode in the tent where Jesus exhausts himself whilst his followers complain, the show has a unique approach to showing healings.  It is not simply Jesus healing.  It is Jesus connecting with people at their level of need.  It is the personification of “God with us” at its finest.  We see the living God humbly healing people without choirs of angels or lens flares.  The Son of God needs only his power and authority to heal. 

Remember, the disciples will be given this same power.  It is part of my focus on Judas and Simon in The Judas Scroll.   When they are sent out, they heal others.  When they are given the power, they use it.  We have this power but our faith is weak. 

We do not use our faith to tap into this power as we should.  I really do not care where others fall on the power to heal discussion.  I know I was one way and now I am different.  I have seen fake healing where instead of humble prayers of faith people put on a show.  I have also had a man quietly pray for an injury I had that should have sent me to hospital.  The injury was gone.  

I have placed my hand on the shoulder of a sick friend whilst she was distracted and prayed for her illness.  Her fever left, her aches were gone, and her congestion cleared.  I did not call attention to it.  A few minutes later she quietly asked, “What did you do to me?”  My response was simply I asked the Holy Spirit to do something to you because I love you.  I explained that the Holy Spirit did it because Jesus loves you.  You may argue about this gift if you wish.  My friend has deeper faith and so do I.  

We need to understand the nature of the power we are given as Christ-followers.  I do not wish anyone to think I am a “healer”.  That is not how it works.  I pray for people who are sick and injured.  I ask for mercy for those enshrouded in darkness.  I ask out of love, faith, and compassion.  The Father then does as he wills.  No matter how it unfolds, it is the Father who allows all things.  My theology does not matter.  My love and faith always matter, Dear Reader.  

The journey home is one of faith.  If I employ love and faith in all I do, then I can trust the Father to make things the way he wishes them.  Prayer is getting the mind and heart in line with the Father.  It is getting my attitudes and actions to be byproducts of my love for him.  Anything can happen when this is the truth.  It is how we find our way home. 

Wishing you joy in the journey, 

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good. 

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon
Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
Bookings: aramisthorn@aramisthorn.com
BLOG Archive:  http://aramisthorn.blogspot.com/ 

“Peter looking at a cripple holding out his cup.  Peter don’t you be so foolish as to say stand up.”

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