19 October 2019

Plenty’s Horn ~ 490

Greetings Dear Reader,

I think that we often miss when Jesus is being funny.  An example would be when there are 5000 hungry people and Andrew tells him about it.  Jesus asks what is available.  Andrew replies that there is a boy with five loaves of bread and two fish.  Jesus says that is just fine and to sit everyone down to eat.  Take a moment to see the humor in this.

I think we also miss the humor in Jesus’ conversation with Peter about forgiveness.  When we read the dialogue, we read it in our serious Jesus Bible voice.  We fail to see the humanity in Christ when he is talking.  I picture Jesus smiling at Peter and saying, “you need to forgive him seventy times seven,” and then watching as Peter does the math in his head. 

Jesus goes on to explain the vital nature of forgiveness.  He also makes it clear that the math is not what we should be concerned about.  He does not intend for us to keep a tally of wrongs done to us by others and forgiven by us so that we can look forward to them hitting number 491.  He wishes for us to forgive others in a never-ending stream of love, grace, and mercy. 

The habit of forgiving, because it should be a habit, is provisioned by aligning our thinking with that of the Father.  His grace and mercy allow forgiveness to flow from him to us in copious amounts.  The very existence of the world depends on the Father’s forgiveness in every moment.  He desires for us to be the same way.

We are to allow forgiveness to flow through us to others in a spirit of humility and kindness.  We stand on our foundation of love and we flood the world with forgiveness.  We become difficult to offend and easy to be around when we adopt this stance.  Our burdens are much lighter and following Christ becomes easier Dear Reader. 

Remember that Jesus connects forgiveness from the Father with our forgiveness with others.  Failure to do the latter results in difficulties in the former.  We are not earning forgiveness by forgiving.  We are, however, walking in the grace and humility required to follow Christ.  So, Dear Reader, I will never know if you reach number 490 because I am not going to keep count.  In case you were wondering, I have already forgiven you.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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