Greetings Dear Reader,
First, let us consider that I am not saying clothing is
optional. Please keep your clothes on
and ponder instead what options there are.
In our society we place far too much emphasis on what people wear and
when they wear it.

None of this is wrong.
We are free to dress in any style that suits us. Our choices may be limited by our available
resources and the care we have for our appearance in certain situations. It is in those choices that we express our style,
preferences, and values. Our fashion
sense or lack of it is an extension of who we are as individuals.
It also says who we are relative to stewardship, materialism,
and morality. I am not going to judge your
clothing choices here. I do wish to
ponder an area where there is not a place to judge others. God will never ask you why you did not wear a
tie to church. He will not chide you
because you did not dress up for an occasion.
It is not our place to judge how others dress if God does not.
We should be more concerned about why we choose to wear what
we choose when we choose it. That is a
lot of choosing. What matters is our
heart in choosing. Am I being a good example
to those around me? Do I dress in ways
that enhance my ability to express who I am without being prideful or self-serving? Do I devote my heart to following Christ
over following fashion?
You will never be required to answer to God for wearing
shorts in winter or white after Labor Day.
What matters in your choices about what to wear is your heart toward the
Father and your fellow humans. If you
spend more time picking out clothing than you do being good to others there may
be a problem.
Jesus’ brother James made it clear that we are not to judge others
by what they wear. We are instead to treat
everyone as Christ would treat them.
What matters is that I am more attentive to what others need and if
their clothing reflects needs that I can meet, that I do so. God will never hold me to account for wearing
shorts and a Hawaiian shirt to church unless I do so in a spirit that is
unloving. Were it up to me ties would
not even exist. What about you Dear
Wishing you joy in the journey,
Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every
writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a
homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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