11 June 2019

Trending Now ~ Intolerant of Tolerance

Greetings Dear Reader,

My pen stroke is broad today.  I do not think that there is any group that does not trend toward this particular problem.  Well, there are extremes that avoid it but they are the exceptions that prove the rule. 

I had already chosen this topic for today.  Avalon and I happened to discuss it deeply last night.  We agree that this is a problem that plagues every group and not just this conservative or that liberal one.  We claim that we are tolerant of those who are different from us and the trend is not to judge, be prejudice, and tolerate hate. 

There is nothing wrong with those things.  I think that we are lying to ourselves.  I think we claim we are tolerant but we hold out exceptions because there is that one group or sect that we make the exception and outwardly disavow.  There is also the idea that we think our ideas are right and that is the end of it.

We are not supposed to tolerate anyone.  I submit that tolerance is intolerant.  When someone says to you, “Hey, I like your coat!”, should our response ever be, “Hey, I tolerate yours”?  We need to get over the idea that being tolerant is a good thing.  It is not because we should be tolerant.  It is because we must be much more.

The trend is to be tolerant of everyone.  Let me say some things about what I am required to be and we can go from there.  I am not allowed to be simply tolerant.  I am supposed to actively, practically, and inclusively love every human there is.  It goes far beyond tolerance.  The requirement is to sacrifice and to love.  The demand is to see every life as precious and worthy of my love and God’s. 

Further, I am required to love with this depth and intensity without compromising my own standards.  I think this is how the tolerance trend began.  In place of love or hate, we put tolerance.  We construct something bland that we can social signal whilst nursing our rejection and judgment under its summer parasol.  The problem is our parasol cannot shield us from the thunderstorm of conflict that has risen because of the intolerance we still carry.

The storm of difficulties exists because in our failure to love we have believed that lie that if we feel something is wrong then we must hate those who live in that wrong.  That is not how anything is going to work.  It is not how love ever works.  Love is never tolerant because that is condescending.  Oh, and in case you wonder why I do not get down to real examples, it is because I will offend someone because I either did or did not use their pet example. 

I know what I believe about right and wrong.  I know that some of those things will cause others to hate, sideline, discount, or tolerate me just because I do not agree with the popular or trending thought on their issue.   I will try to choose a neutral way to make my point.  There are people out there who think it is WRONG to put pineapple on pizza.  It happens to be one of my favorite pizza toppings.  Paired with bacon or ham and slivered almonds, it is my favorite full stop.

Now, I would not deny healthcare, social status, or human rights to anyone who hates pineapple on pizza or hates me because of my love for it.  I would go further and say that I will love and demonstrate that love to anyone no matter their pizza topping identification choices.  I might even buy him or her a pizza. 

Tolerance is trending but it cannot sustain.  It is not what we are meant to do Dear Reader.  It is instead, our obligation to love deeply every human that exists.  There is no room for simple tolerance or half measures.  If you would like to discuss it further, I will buy the pizza.  You can get yours with whatever toppings you choose.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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