26 May 2019

Needful Things ~ Terrible Things

Greetings Dear Reader,

At some level, we all have suffered through something painful. Some of us have endured deep trauma and abuse.  We carry scars that no one sees.  We fight inner battles that we never discuss.

I recently told someone I love of my deepest darkest struggle.  The response was to recommend that I get medication.  This person canceled plans we had for later in the week and has not initiated a conversation with me since.  Except for my counselor I have never revealed this struggle to anyone else.  I was hoping for understanding and to build a closer relationship.  It is clear that the pain I have caused this person is too deep still.

That, however, Is not my focus.  My focus is on the common pain we share in our journey.  We have all been damaged in some way.   We fail to consider that others need our understanding often because we feel so little understood.  We compare our pain to the pain of others and decide we are more deserving of care or that we are not hurt enough to matter.  Comparison of hurt is deadly.  We must meet others where they are in their pain and accept that it is their hurt and not ours to judge.

No one is going to understand to our satisfaction if our goal is to cling to the pain.  If our true goal is to meet our need for healing then we can heal.  The problem is that we create a need for trauma and drama instead of working for a way out of it.  We become friends with the cold comfort of counsel and sympathy instead of embracing the love we are shown and letting it help.

We demand that people love us in ways that salve our hurt instead of in ways that promote healing.  Our use of pain relief opiates overtreatment that hurts but heals is such a mirror of how we are emotionally.   We want the pain salved instead of allowing the love of Christ to really heal us.  We cling to the past pain and miss out on the present joy that could be ours.

I am not going to pander to the past pain others carry.  I am going to love them and gently, kindly offer them a way out.  It is your choice Dear Reader.  We can look backward and tighten the choking tether of past pain whilst trying to move forward.  We can also choose to see that in this moment, and every other moment Jesus is there pleading his love for our every hurt and offering to heal our hearts.  I am choosing to understand that I need the healing but not in the method that I thought I did.

If you are asking how Dear Reader, we are almost there.  I am attempting to build this point by point.  We are needful when it comes to emotional healing.  It is not wrong to be this way.  It is wrong to cling to the pain and sorrow by holding on to the past.  We can find peace if we realize that it is there for us.  It sounds simple and perhaps puerile, but it is the truth.  Let me know if you need to talk about this Dear Reader.  I love you.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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