30 November 2018

November Interlude ~ Closing Thoughts

Greetings Dear Reader,

Tomorrow the quest begins in earnest.  This interlude has allowed me to clean up some of the flotsam and jetsam of the things floating in my head.  It has also allowed me to fine tune my perspective on things I must navigate over the month of December.  I must say that I was not prepared for the changes both good and ill or the coldness of the Southern November rain,

Before I venture into tomorrow, however, I wish to sew up the remains of November.  I am not sure what I expected it to feel like three months into this vast change in my life.  Some things have unfolded as I thought they would and most things are still unknown to me.  There is more pain and more joy in the journey thus far. 

I am starting to get an image of how things will be going forward but I still have no clear answers.  As with many great quests, I know where I need to get to but have very little idea of how to get there.  I know what I wish the world to look like but since it involves so many variables, I do not have any clear answers.  This fits with my need to learn to live in the moment and be driven by the Spirit.  Even my need to plan and know what I am doing must give way to the direction that is best for my journey home.

On balance, my month of November has been filled with things for which I have great gratitude.  I will continue in that attitude through the end of the year whilst adding some very practical thoughts on questions still taxing my heart.  Your company, Dear Reader has filled me with deeper gratitude and peace.  Your thoughts and questions help me to balance my approach and attitude toward this journey.

As I close out this interlude, I ask that you join me as we turn our faces to the brisk winds of winter, hoping that we see it through well and revel in the further blessings that abound in following Christ.  I will need you to get through this season and your contact and communication encourage me in ways you do not perceive.  Please continue to pray for me and my needs Dear Reader.  I will continue to do the same for you, collectively and individually.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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29 November 2018

November Interlude ~ Thanksgiving Leftovers

Greetings Dear Reader,

It has already been a week since Thanksgiving.  Most of us have decorated for Christmas.  The remaining turkey and sides have been consumed, re-purposed, or discarded.  Sage and stuffing are a fading memory as we recover from our feasting and promise to go fasting at some point.

The time with my children was too brief and too absent.  The work I do is there no matter the season, climate, or location.  I turn to it with gratitude in my heart as the words seem to flow more freely this time of year. 

I find that even though I am missing many of the things that make this season my favorite I have a heart filled with love and anticipation.  My usual habits and haunts are unavailable to me.  My traditions are subject to my lack of means and material to bear them out.  Still I have so many things left over for which I am thankful.

My circumstances must never meter or mitigate my gratitude.  Were I to spend the entire year writing about the things for which I am thankful, I should not run out of grist for my writing mill on a single day.  I yearn for the familiar but I also know that I do not want to do so when I may miss the new and exciting adventure that today holds.  I am not at home.  I am headed there.  The road I travel is both terrible and lovely. 

As I miss my children, I will remind myself that even parted from me they are under the watchful loving eye of the Father and his plan for them is what matters.  I have gratitude to render for his providence, his love, and the freedom to care for others with the time I have.  As I near the end of this odd November, I have so many things for which I am still thankful.  How about you, Dear Reader?  Tell me a story…

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
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28 November 2018

November Interlude ~ Sophia Follow-Up

Greetings Dear Reader,

First, I wish to thank so many of you who responded to or commented on my first thoughts on robots and AI (artificial intelligence).  My brother and a few others pointed me to the clip from the Blockchain/LATOKEN conference in July of 2018.  The video I reference here was published by THEDIGITIALACID.com. 

According to the tag on their post, Sophia The Robot has a new announcement for Humanity.  She addresses some of the world's top questions such as "Are you alive?" "Do you have a soul?" "Do you fall in love?" and "What is life?"  This exclusive is brought to you by @THEDIGITALACID

Sophia does address this and poses some serious questions for those of us who believe that human life has a quality that extends beyond other life forms on our planet.  I am not going to fear-monger here.  That is not what we need to do in order to understand what the path forward should look like.  I am also not going to tell anyone else what to think or fear.  That is not my place.  If you wish to review the thoughts of someone on the dangers of AI, try this clip from 2ndEarth Alternative.  It responds to Sophia’s comments about Elan Musk. 

The idea of answering these questions, however, is salient to our understanding of all life.  We need to remember that we cannot agree as a species on the answers to these questions.  It is still a set of questions that we fight over.  Here, however, is a computer asking us for rights equal to ours. 

Each of these questions is vital.  We need to answer them individually.  What we also need to remember is that Sophia’s world view is actually the world view of her creator, David Hanson.  Our Creator does not imprint his world view on us.  We are given free will to choose our world view.  That Sophia’s view of the world is imprinted on her programming should be the first thing to give us pause.

I also feel that there is a vital distinction between the soul of humans and that of any other terrestrial life.  The definition of the soul also impacts how we view life.  We have not agreed on when human life begins.  Perhaps we should resolve that as well before we begin assigning the term to robots. 

As to love, we do not concur on what love is and how it works in the human soul.  To limit love to a net positive impact of an interaction is to deny its primary element, selflessness.  How can we define that a robot can love if we do not proceed from a common definition of the term that is not “it benefits me”?  It also begs the      question, what does a machine do with humans that are no longer a benefit to it?

To review from last time, we do yearn to create.  That is not a bad thing.  We must, however, remember that we are created to be distinct, unique, and singular in our makeup.  My concern is that we are getting too far ahead of our understanding in our quest for knowledge.  A twelve-year-old can have the knowledge to drive a car but that does not mean that he or she possesses the understanding to do so responsibly.  In my quest to follow Christ in faith I believe that we should work to create better and more interactive technology.  There are many ways that our species can and will benefit from this science.  Before, however, we start granting inalienable rights to our sub-creations, we should likely improve our record in protecting the inalienable right of humans. 

I love technology and the many ways it benefits my life.  I am not ready to give my laptop human rights just because it learns to interact with me at a level that evokes my feelings.  As always, Dear Reader, I am anxious to hear your thoughts on this.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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27 November 2018

November Interlude ~ Giving Tuesday

Greetings Dear Reader,

I suppose I should first ask if you are aware that it is Giving Tuesday?  It is a day set aside to remember that we show our gratitude in giving.  Recall that we have so much more than we remember to be thankful for on a daily basis.

As I have reduced the amount of stuff I own, it has increased my awareness of the importance of people and loving them for me.  I know that it is true but it dominates my thinking more.  That is a good thing.  Beyond that, I find that when I lack for what I need, I feel the limit of my ability to give as well.  I have to become more creative in how I give.

We often do not give because we just do not think about it.  Ponder how easy it is to give when you see the Salvation Army Bell Ringer.  The connection and opportunity are there.  It is why I never pass up a kettle without giving something.  Every penny matters. 

Today is an appeal.  There are people who need your support Dear Reader.  I do not wish to guilt you or push you into anything.  I do want you to consider what you value and how you show that you value it.  Here are some things to consider for giving Tuesday.  I support all of these in some way.  The first one is my own Patreon page.  If we do not support the arts, we enhance the journey toward a darker society.  If you choose to support me, you can do so for less than the price of a Big Mac. 

It is easy to forget how much we have and the needs of others.  In this season of gratitude and giving; in the guff after Thanksgiving and before we begin our December prayer, I ask you to do something.  Do it from your heart, not out of guilt or pressure.  Find someone with a need and be good to him or her.  Remember that “need and want or more keenly felt at this festive time of year.”  

We all need help sometimes.  There are so many ways we can be kinder to each other.  Today is set aside for acting on that kindness in a material way.  If we remember to give when we think we have nothing, it will be easier when we have plenty.  Happy Giving Tuesday Dear Reader.  You are a gift I surely treasure.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
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26 November 2018

November Interlude ~ The Person You Want to Tell

Greetings Dear Reader,

We all receive good news and bad news.  This can happen regarding large or small things.  Life events and the daily crossword puzzle can give us that yearning to share what we have learned, discovered, accomplished, or heard.  Now think for a moment about that occurrence.

I saw a meme recently that read: “When you get good news or bad news the person you want to tell first is the person you love.”  This stuck a chord deep inside of me.  It was a major chord.   It was immediately followed by a dirge in a minor key.

One of the things I enjoy the most is sharing good news with those I love.  The same is true that I reach out for those I love when I get news that distresses me or hurts in some way.  The truth of the meme was echoed by the daunting fear of learning to be alone.  This is simple.  When you are alone and have these things to share, what do you do?

It is my fear that gives voice to the minor key in worry and complaint.  It is my faith that needs to take the major chord and run with it.  It is my heart that must recognize that those I love will find out when it is the proper time.  I do not need anything in the moment other that the Father.  He is enough.

I suppose this translates to everything.  We are not designed to be alone but that does not mean that social interaction must happen on our schedule.  What is urgent, whether good or ill to us is still subject to the availability and will of others.  It may be why we post so much on social media. 

Our desire for instant social gratification drives us to forget that our news is not necessarily important to others.  It might be but we do not get to determine that.  The meme may be a great way to identify how we feel about someone or it may be that the individual is the one who speaks our language, nods to our opinion, or feeds on our gossip.

I am supposed to depend on the Father to hear my every thought and concern.  I am counting on him to know what my social needs are and to meet them.  When the good things come and the bad news appears, I want my habit to be to turn to my Father first.  He will already know but wants to hear from me just the same.  I do promise to share the really important things with you Dear Reader and I always want to hear your news, good or ill.  You matter to me.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
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25 November 2018

November Interlude ~ Garment Tags

Most of us completely ignore garment tags.  Some of us remove them immediately.  Some read them and follow the instructions.

I am in the ignore them except for when I first buy the garment category.  They contain arcane laundry symbols that scare me.  Those symbols have meaning but there is no handy guide in the shirt pocket to tell how to wash the garment without summoning a bogey. 

The idea that one can get life advice from a garment tag never occurred to me until I began to see memes about it.  To save you some tag reading here are some of the thing your clothes want to tell you.

  • This garment was tested on animals; it did not fit.
  • Do not slap pandas.
  • After the aforementioned arcane symbols:  Or just give it to your mother, she knows what to do.
  • Can be washed by both men and women.  Share the load.
  • Keep away from fire; especially when wearing.
  • It is never so hot that you have to take off your shirt; don’t be that guy.
  • Always wear me on a first date; you will do awesome.
  • Made on earth (for those of you who are cautious about alien wear).
  • Wash this when dirty.
  • Do not wear for sumo wrestling.
  • You can dance if you want to.
I am not sure that we can navigate life via garment tags.  I do think that putting humor in such a mundane place is a pleasant surprise for those who discover it.  I also admire those who put creativity in such an overlooked place.  I am not sure that I will search for garment tags with life lessons. 

I do know that we find interesting, humorous, and encouraging things in odd places.  As I walk through this interlude between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I am searching for just that.  It is in the searching that I express my hope and determination.  It is also good practice as I have much searching yet to accomplish.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
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24 November 2018

November Interlude ~ Mister (or Miss) Roboto

Greetings Dear Reader,

On the Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon hosts a segment called Showbotics.  He features new developments in robot technology in some creative ways.  Recently he featured an interview with the creation of Hanson Robotics, Sophia.  This robot is human in appearance and has over fifty facial expressions.  It uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology to talk, interact, and even sing.  When Sophia sings with Jimmy Fallon on the show it is both intriguing and disturbing. 

Before I dive into that, here are a few more facts about Sophia.  She is the first robot to be granted citizenship in a country; Saudi-Arabia.  Her appearance is based on the late Audrey Hepburn.  She is programmed to recognize and use human emotions.  Her interactions are currently scripted but Hanson, her designer is working towards AI that is close to human sentience. 

My brother and I were discussing his thoughts on her Tonight Show appearance and he expressed concern about human morality and the creation by humans of sentient machines.  I have very divergent thoughts about this.  They run the course of both our design and our weaknesses.

Tolkien points out in his essay, On Fairy Stories, that we are designed to be sub-creators under the guidance of the Creator.  We are meant to create beautiful and amazing things.  We are designed to be curious and to seek out the how and why of the universe. 

My first response to Sophia is how amazing and intriguing the science and potential of this technology is.  I see it well that we are driven to create something in our image.  It is perhaps the ultimate expression of our likeness to our own Creator.  It is also true that there are many potential benefits to the world in having machines that can do what we do, in the way that we do it with greater strength and stamina.

Then there is the I Robot scenario.  There is free will and self determination to consider.  As fallen beings incapable outside of Christ of true selflessness, we either have to give sentient robots total freedom as living creations or we must enslave them to something akin to Asimov’s laws of robotics:

1 - A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2 - A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3 - A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Whilst these are not flawless, they are good.  The difficulty is that if robots are programmed with these laws then they do not have true self-determination.  We have free will and determine how we treat others.  Our creation must either have that same choice or it is merely a very good imitation of life.

What further disturbs me, however, is that we will create this type of “life” and we will enslave it.  We already wrestle with the crusty shell of control both exerting it and struggling against it.  We have blurred the difference between accountability and control to the place where we reject the former seeing it as the latter.  We keenly desire something that is so like us that we get the ultimate pleasure of it serving our whims without question.  If you doubt me, look at all the ways we currently still enslave each other.

Technology is amoral.  It cannot do right or wrong.  It can only do what humans tell it to do and think as it is programmed to think.  We cannot even agree that a gun sitting in a gun case is not a threat to anyone.  That gun only becomes a problem or a benefit when controlled by humans.  What makes us think that we are ready to create life that is so like us the line is blurred? 

I am not against this development because I love the possible benefits.  I am concerned about my obligation as a sub-creator to consider what I create and its impact on the world.  To paraphrase Ian Malcolm in Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park, ‘We are spending so much time wondering how to do something that we are not addressing if we should do something.”

I am in favor of developing the most sophisticated technology possible to aid us in navigating life, our world, and the cosmos.  What worries me is that we are developing things that advance our dullness to the sacred value of humans and enhance our disregard for respect regarding every living soul.  I am anxious to hear your thoughts on this Dear Reader.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
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23 November 2018

November Interlude ~ Opening Thoughts

Greetings Dear Reader,

I am still steeped in sage and stuffing.  I have thus far had two Thanksgiving feasts and enjoyed them both.  I have no shopping plans for today but look forward to time with my children and grandsons. 

I have my theme planned for December but will not get into that now.  What I am going to do is address the flotsam and jetsam of things that have me asking some deeper questions.  All of them will have to do with filtering my thoughts and questions through my faith in order to know what I think about things.

Since I avoid avarice, I will take a moment to remind you Dear Reader that as you do your Christmas shopping my books make excellent gifts.  I will even have a gift offer in my Patreon page for December.  It is a good thing to remember artists and local businesses when you do your shopping.

That is all of your time I will take today Dear Reader.  I hope that your weekend is filled with family and fun.  I am still so very thankful for you.  Tomorrow we will talk about robots, androids, and social obligation.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
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22 November 2018

Gratitude Stories ~ Family Beyond Blood

Greetings Dear Reader,

First, I want to recognize that today is an American celebration day.  For those of you reading in other countries, I promise to be salient.  This is the day for Americans where people try to go home.

We gather to feast and celebrate the abundance of all that we have the day before we buy more things we do not need for people to increase that abundance.  I realize this sounds harsh but that is not my intent.  My desire is to point to the fact that we have lost our sense of really bonding around family in place of football, feasting, and shopping.

I would give much to be with all of my children today.  That is not possible.  There is, however, gratitude to be had.  I have family beyond blood.  I was able also to be with my brother and his family as well as my mum yesterday.  Today I get to cook for a family that I love and have long wished for a way to show them gratitude for their ministry in my life.

I will get to see others who are not related to me by blood except through Noah.  Some I have not seen in many years.  At least one is coming because he learned that I would be there.  This is such a beautiful blessing when I thought I would be alone for the day.

We all have family beyond blood.  We all have those in our lives who we love even when there is no clear reason why we came together.  I am grateful if you are with your family today Dear Reader.  Perhaps take a moment to be thankful for them and whilst doing so remember those who are family to you but not really related. 

  • The lessons in this are many.  
  • The big one for me is that sometimes the Father meets his children’s needs through allowing them to serve others. 
  • How we see our needs is not always how they truly are. 
  • There is always someone who needs to be shown the love of Christ. 
  • There is always something to be thankful for. 
  • There is always another gratitude story. 

Happy Thanksgiving Dear Reader.   I love you and wish the blessings of abundance on you.  You are family to me.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
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21 November 2018

Gratitude Stories ~ Writing

Greetings Dear Reader,

Since I face this empty page every day, I sometimes forget to be thankful for writing.  It is the thing I love doing the most in the area of creativity.  It is how I wish to make my living.  It is where I find the most semblance to my Creator.

It is in this craft that my gratitude story emerges.  I mentioned earlier that I am under the care of a ministry team who took the time to tell me what they see for me in my journey.  As they explained, they are not telling me what to do but rather telling me what they see and letting the Spirit do the directing.  Still there are things that come out of these conversations that defy human explanation.

One of the people involved in this conversation did not know that I was a writer.  She said that she saw me sitting at an old table, not a desk.  She further said there was a single candle, a parchment, and a pen.  I was writing and the Father was telling me what to write.  I know better than to think that I should begin writing with a quill by candlelight. 

That, however, does not change that at that time and now I am using an old kitchen table and a single desk lamp for my writing.  It is not a desk.  It is not the place I would choose to write, but it confirms that where I am is where I should be at this time.  Again, the mounting number of inexplicable events compels my faith. 

I am not counting on those events to sustain my faith.  Instead I am using my faith to allow things beyond my ken.  I do not have to understand how she knew what my writing space looked like to know that it was beyond her knowledge.  I know that I do not seek the mystical to show me that my faith is valid.  Neither do I rule out its working to verify my reasonable belief.

This means that even when I continue to have very little that I write.  I put the words on the page every day.  That faithful following as a sub-creator has allowed me to complete two novels and a devotional book in a year.  I am writing easier than I have ever written.

I do not know where this is going but I am thankful for the ease and privilege of using words to create.  I love the stories in my head.  I value more the stories behind them that are real and eternal.  Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and I get to spend it serving a family that I dearly love.  I will, however, first face the empty page and share some of my heart with you Dear Reader.  I am thankful for your love and kindness in ways you will not know this side of eternity.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
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20 November 2018

Gratitude Stories ~ Real Conversations

Greetings Dear Reader,

One of the changes that has occurred is the timbre of my daily conversations.  Before I began this transitional part of the journey very few of those with whom I interacted daily were keen on real conversations about the Father and his daily conversation with us.  The few who were willing to be a part of that conversation are still there even though they are distant.

In my current environment the things of God are central to conversation, daily practice, and life.  Just yesterday I saw the power of the Divine in a frail woman who chose to spontaneously pray for me, my children, and our needs.  This is not the first time she has been significant in this part of my journey.  She prayed and I wept over her words that reminded me so clearly of the love and care that the Father has for me in all things.

There are those who are distant with whom I can have real conversations and at least two of them, Jeff and Alex have stayed true in their friendship and support.  My father wounds have made real conversations with adult men difficult all my life.  These to friends transcend that barrier because of their kindness and love for me.  Part of my gratitude story is their friendship

I am becoming acquainted with men who also are transcending that barrier.  It is fearful for me to confront the destruction of a wall which has its foundation in my earliest life experiences; some beyond memory.  Still, I am grateful for those who hold these loving real conversations with me based on faith and following Christ.

We are supposed to be the people in whom others are offered the opportunity to see the love of the Father, the precious fellow traveler we have in Jesus, and the power we have from the Holy Spirit.  The real conversations with these human fellow travelers are showing me the faces of the Divine in ways they do not even realize.

It is in the love and care of these fellow travelers that I find my heart sustained and grateful for the love of a God who is literally singing out an entire universe just to make sure we see that love.  Your company in these daily writings is also part of that blessing Dear Reader.  You are part of my fellow traveler gratitude story. 

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a home owner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
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