24 July 2020

I Never Said That ~ I Hate You if…

Greetings Dear Reader,

So many of the things that Jesus said reflect his love for humanity.  In a time where real oppression existed at a brutal and dangerous level, he elevated those who were hated by others.  He saw the needs of people as he moved through his day.

In our culture, we see signs that are supposed to represent Jesus.  People chant slogans about what Jesus wants for us.  The difficulty is the level of hatred in those signs and slogans.  The message may or may not be true but the messengers are representing that which does not represent Jesus.

Here is a minor example that speaks to the whole.  When I was first learning to write, I tried to write with my left hand.  The Sisters at my school would smack my hand with a ruler and tell me, “Jesus hates it when we write left-handed.”  Many years later I learned why they thought this.  The Latin word to “go left” is “sinister”.  Somewhere in the mists of church history, someone decided that sinister meant evil.  Thus, Sister Saint Thomas applied the metal-stripped maple ruler to the back of my hand saying that writing with the left hand is evil and that Jesus hates it.  I still have the scar on my knuckle from that.

When we represent Jesus as hating, we had better be very sure that we are correct.  If we do not, we are using God for our own purposes.  We are never in the right when we omit the love of Jesus from our attitude.  Saying that he hates people who commit this or that sin is a lie.  Saying that he hates people of a certain social or political standing is also a lie.  An honest look at Jesus, omitting the commentary of his followers, shows that no matter what the religious leaders thought of people, he interacted with them in love.

He made it clear that the benchmark for being aligned with him is love.  For those of you who do not share my faith, please feel free to demand that those who do interact with you lovingly.  If they do not, call them out on it.  It is the Maker’s mark on his followers.  It is the foundation of all else that we are. 

For those of you who follow Christ, we must examine every action and attitude to see if they are Christ-centered and founded on love.  If they are not; if they espouse hatred through injustice, condemnation, or self-righteousness, we had best be silent until our hearts are right.  There is nothing we need to address that cannot be handled with humility and love.  We may need to be bold and take a stand, Dear Reader, but we need never declare that God hates anyone because he does not. 
Further, he requires that we love every human if we have any hope of loving the Father the way we should.  We must demonstrate our love through kindness, mercy, grace, justice, and peace.  We must take up the cause of being good to everyone even when they hate us.  Jesus never said to hate anyone.  He did express his love and command that we express that love in all that we do with each other.  Loving the Father and each other is the foundation for all that we do in the name of God or it is not doing things in the name of God.  It is, however, taking the name of the Father for our own purposes.  That is clearly a violation of his requirements for us.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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Saying that Jesus hates anyone is a lie that can cause deep wounds and leave life-long scars.

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