31 May 2021

Tell Me What You See ~ Hypocrites and Hippocrates

Greetings Dear Reader, 

One of the things we hear as an objection to following Christ is the assertion the church is full of hypocrites.  Let me say clearly, the church is filled with all kinds of sinners.  Let me also say the percentage of those who do not live by their own philosophy is no greater in the church than in the remainder of the world. 

What I am saying is simply we are all hypocrites at times.  I mention Hippocrates, the philosopher, and father of modern medicine because of the condition and cost of healthcare in our world.  I cannot imagine how he would feel about the way healthcare is handled in our world.  After he got over his amazement regarding his influences and the advancement in medicine, I think he would find the way in which medicine is administered very harmful. 

It is my obligation as a Christ-follower to care for those in need.  If we do not demand that anyone who needs it receive care then we are saying we believe in Jesus but are not truly following his teaching.  I would go even deeper.  If we consider how often Jesus healed the sick without asking for anything, we need to consider that he wanted us to do the same.  Why then, do we not build our faith to the place where we can exercise that power in his name? 

Instead, we turn caring for the sick into something forbidden, a sideshow, or tolerate it being only for those who can afford it.  We must become people who remember that Jesus is the great physician and not be hypocritical about it.  We must lead the way in insisting that others get the care they need whether they are “our people” or not.  Our view when we see the sick must be a human that the Father loves in need of care and our responsibility, Dear Reader. 

Wishing you joy in the journey, 

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good. 

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon            
Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
Bookings: aramisthorn@aramisthorn.com
BLOG Archive:  http://aramisthorn.blogspot.com/ 

I think Hippocrates would find medicine more hypocritical than Hippocratic.

30 May 2021

Tell Me What You See ~ A Journeying Soul

Greetings Dear Reader, 

My dear friends Misty and Jason took me to breakfast yesterday.   We went to a restaurant I had never visited and it was quite good.  The food was great, the atmosphere was French quarter, and our server was brilliant. 

I wrote yesterday about treating service persons with love and respect.  It caused me to ponder another level which I got to employ.  We all respond to outward appearance in some way.  Since following Christ is partly training the mind to see things as Christ does, this demands a deeper level of seeing others as more than their appearance. 

I said that our server was brilliant.  She was also intelligent, beautiful, and kind.  The task is to engage with someone in a way reaching beyond the outward to the soul.  Every human is on a journey back to the Father.  Even if they do not believe this, it is true.  When engaging with other humans, it is simpler to focus on love, kindness, and grace if we see them as a soul on its way to the Father. 

Instead of being distracted by appearance, we can engage with lives and enrich them.  During our meal, we learned our server is a nursing student, moved here from far away, and she shares our faith.  We were able to treat her kindly and all of our lives are better for it.  The deep magic in this is seeing every soul as one worthy of our love and kindness. 

Now I must ponder if I treat everyone with this intentional deference.  I have to see each human soul in each encounter, Dear Reader.  A simple invitation to breakfast can turn into life-enriching interaction if we focus on souls over appearance, situation, or station.  When we are told to love the Father with all that we are, it is vital to realize how deeply loving human souls can facilitate it.  

If I see every life as a journeying soul, I can travel with those I encounter, sharing love and kindness in a way that makes the journey richer for both of us.  It is in this view where Christ, their soul, and mine can share the road and draw closer to being in harmony with the Father.  When we do this, everything else seems secondary. 

Wishing you joy in the journey, 

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good. 

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon            
Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
Bookings: aramisthorn@aramisthorn.com
BLOG Archive:  http://aramisthorn.blogspot.com/ 

Looking on the outward causes us to miss the point.

29 May 2021

Tell Me What You See ~ The Lower Decks

Greetings Dear Reader, 

There is a Star Trek: The Next Generation  episode called The Lower Decks.  In my opinion, this single episode is better than the entire cartoon series launched last year.  It examines the relationship of the younger crew to the daily running of the ship. 

I think of this when I ponder the lives of service personnel in those businesses that require wait staff, maids, and the like.  We must measure our view of the world by how we treat those who serve us.  If we do not make their lives richer for having encountered us, we are not living properly.  Those who work in the service industries have lower wages and depend on us to bridge the gap in their income.  

It is my obligation to see to treating servers with kindness, love, and understanding.  It does not matter how their mood or service; I must be all of these things toward them.  It is not my place to judge, dismiss, or command.  I am obligated to grace, love, and generosity. 

Whilst it may be their job to serve me, it is not my place to abuse their service.  Try this, Dear Reader, the next time a server makes a mistake.  Tell them, “I am thankful that if it had to happen, it happened to me.  I will not be unkind to you over a mistake.”  I have a dear friend who once brought my daughter the wrong burger three times.  She was horrified but we treated her with kindness and patience.  When I actually met her a year later, we became instant friends over the incident.  

I must view those who serve me as people to love and respect.  They may work for the “lower decks” but the Father loves them as much as he does me.  I want them to remember their encounters with me as events of shared kindness.  I desire to leave them better than I found them.  

Wishing you joy in the journey, 

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good. 

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon            
Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
Bookings: aramisthorn@aramisthorn.com
BLOG Archive:  http://aramisthorn.blogspot.com/ 

Even those who serve are worthy of kindness and respect.

28 May 2021

Tell Me What You See ~ The Faults in Others

Greetings Dear Reader, 

We all see faults in others.  Honest observation will identify them and we are then left with choices.  It is what we do with our observations of people that determines our attitude and shapes our hearts.  We must consciously decide what to do with what we see. 

In approaching this, I think I must identify and define my terms.  I am going to focus on judgment, discernment, and condemnation.  When I think of judgment, it either discerns or condemns.  It can be both depending on how we apply love and grace.  We must judge from the perspective of discernment.  We are not to condemn others in judgment.  

This suggests a tipping point on which we must balance.  We must judge things that are wrong to be wrong.  If someone harms a child, we are obligated to condemn that action.  We are also required to love the person committing the action.  It is a narrow place to stand but it is our obligation to stand there.  We must judge wrong but not judge the person.  Discernment and love allow us to separate the two. 

It does mean the person is not wrong and in need of reformation and redemption.  It means we do not forget we too need both.  Without recalling our own faults, we cannot discern clearly how to love those we would judge.  The Father never tells us to condemn people, only actions.  There may be the need to be separate from those who do heinous things.  We may put them in prison but we are to visit them as well.  We are still to love them as the Father loves them. 

This kind of view is going to require me to see my own faults, not pridefully think I am better, and to use my discernment to forgive as I would be forgiven.  Reason and logic insist on my applying my heart to love no matter how wrong I think others are.  When I compare my wrong to others my view is skewed.  I must compare it to the perfection of Christ and see just how unworthy I am. 

My view of all humans must distill down to the narrow path of love and kindness; grace and mercy.  Refusing to be offended because of my love limits what I must forgive.  Striving to say everything with love, humility, and grace fills my journey with a lack of condemnation.  This, Dear Reader, is a beautiful path to walk even though it requires constant vigilance.  You are always welcome to walk with me. 

Wishing you joy in the journey, 

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good. 

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon            
Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
Bookings: aramisthorn@aramisthorn.com
BLOG Archive:  http://aramisthorn.blogspot.com/ 

We are all under the same microscope.

27 May 2021

Tell Me What You See ~ Opening Thoughts

Greetings Dear Reader, 

I was speaking with my friend Heather yesterday.  We were discussing how we view others and the expectations that accompany the view.   This led to an articulation of my thoughts on how I try to view people always. 

The summary is this, we tend to see people as we choose to see them.  We filter who is there through our values, judgments, and expectations.  The task for me is to repress that temptation and instead view others as they should be viewed.  The two parts of viewing others correctly are honestly seeing people as they are and seeing what they can be if the love of the Father flows through them.

 This caused me to ponder how I strengthen my power to do this.  The process seems simple and the base answer is that I proceed by loving everyone to the best of my ability.  This is a foundational truth.  It does not, however, give me enough tools to build the actual habits required for this to be mental muscle memory and part of my spirit. 

I want to be constantly refining my skill at this.  The results are beautiful. The challenge can be finding more ways to refine my view.  I have to balance my desire to love others with my obligation to stay true to my faith and following.  Again, the simple answer is to view everything through the Father’s love.  The task is to mine away the places where I still fail to see the beauty and grace created in others.  It is to chip out and discard the judgments and condemnations I carry. 

Over the next few days, I intend to examine the ways in which I can refine my view.  I want to see people as the Father sees them.  I want to love them as the Father loves.  Please join me as we travel through the challenges I face and discuss some methods of mitigating them.  If I am going to love you properly, Dear Reader, I must see you honestly and love who I see.  As always, your thoughts and questions are welcome and valued. 

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good. 

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon            
Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
Bookings: aramisthorn@aramisthorn.com
BLOG Archive:  http://aramisthorn.blogspot.com/ 

The judgments we have hinder our understanding of others.

26 May 2021

GPS (God’s Positioning System) ~ Closing Thoughts

Greetings Dear Reader, 

We began with Jesus’ words concerning those who are born of the Spirit:  “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it is coming from and where it is going; so is everyone who has been born of the Spirit.”  This is where I long to live.  

It seems there are three components to this presenting themselves as two-sided coins.  The first is being totally committed to loving the Father with all that I am in every moment.  I can demonstrate this through my love of my fellow humans and my obedience to his leading.  The obverse of this is that I must lay aside anger, hatred, and malice.  Fortunately, If I focus on the love, I will not find time for the negative things.  Each moment can be consumed with love which is an excellent way to travel. 

Second, I must govern my attachments.  The face of this is to believe the Father when he says he will provide for all my needs.  This means whether it is possessions, .location, or relationships, what I need will be there.  The other side of this is I still possess too much.  I am still tethered to some things from which I must untangle myself.  The only thing I need in my life is what is provided by the Father.  He promises to inspire and provide the desires of my heart.  Further, if Jesus is my only possession, giving is a delight.  

Third, the circumstances must not determine my status.  On the positive side, I am expected to find the Father and his love for me in every situation.  There is no promise it will be easy.  There is a certainty though; I will not face anything alone.  The other side is the fact that whenever I look at the circumstances instead of seeking the Father, I fail.  I look for ways to control and manage things instead of following in faith.  

If I choose to be driven by the Spirit in all things, it is not always easy but it is always worth it.  Any time I yield to that voice in faith, things unfold as they should.  It is intriguing to hear others ask what my plans are.  I have to answer honestly, I do not know.  What I find in this is the freedom to be born of and bourn by the Spirit.  I do not have to worry about the plans as long as I am doing what the Father commands of me now.  In this, Dear Reader, we get the adventure we are promised instead of the false security we create.  It is in Christ that we live and move and have our being.  It follows then, if we live this way, our location is always where it should be. 

Wishing you joy in the journey, 

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good. 

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From
My Publisher or on Amazon            
Web Page: 
BLOG Archive: 

Three coins to consider.

25 May 2021

GPS (God’s Positioning System) ~ It Ain’t Easy

Greetings Dear Reader, 

Growing up in the south, I encountered the word “ain’t” long before it invaded the language elsewhere.  My Nana, a New Yorker, would correct me when I would use the word.  She would say, “Ain’t ain’t nice to say so, you ain’t going to say it.”   This was one of the many contradictions assailing my young mind during that time. 

Many years later, I met a man who when posed with a difficult situation would express, “It Ain’t Easy.”  While this might be seen as a complaint, I view it as an honest assessment of the truth.  The Father promises to care for us in all situations.  He never promises the situations or circumstances will be easy.  

If we are honest, following Christ is not supposed to be easy.  We are carrying a cross.  We walk in a world that opposes the truth.  The promises of care are written right alongside the promises that we will be hated when we stand for the truth.  Very few of the original Christ-followers ended their lives easily.  Most were killed for refusing to deny Jesus. 

We should not be surprised when we encounter opposition or even hostility.  What I must do is examine if I am loving, kind, and peaceful.  If I am not living the way Christ wishes me to live then I am not safe.  If, however, I am allowing the Spirit to guide all of my thoughts, words, and actions, I am promised all things unfolding is where I should be. 

The conclusion then is to seek to follow Christ in every moment.  We do this by seeking to love the Father in all that we do all of the time.  This positions us to be his and his alone, Dear Reader.  I promise this ain’t easy.  I fail often.  My words are not always as kind as they should be.  My thoughts are constantly at war between my love for the Father and my desire to do things outside of loving him. 

The GPS from the Father only allows me to see the now.  My mind often wishes to see further ahead to obtain my peace from “knowing” what is next.  The Father wishes me to follow in faith instead.  He desires my trust as an offering of my love.  He promises to never fail me and put me exactly where he needs me. 

Anything less than faithful following out of love is not my best life.  Whether it is pain or pleasure, I am supposed to receive it with joy.  I am to see things as divinely approved for me because the Spirit is there for me and not because life is easy.  The truth is life is not easy no matter how your grammar expresses it.  I would say, “It ain’t easy but there is always joy available to me.” 

Wishing you joy in the journey, 

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good. 

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon            
Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
Bookings: aramisthorn@aramisthorn.com
BLOG Archive:  http://aramisthorn.blogspot.com/ 

Do we ponder what we wish for when we seek the easy path?

24 May 2021

Second Thoughts ~ New Books and New Ventures

Greetings Dear Reader, 

In case you missed the news over the last few weeks, I am now writing full time.  I have dreamed of this since I was a young boy.  With this new venture comes the need to be sure you are aware of what is next.  Here is an update. 

New Books:
Available for PRE-ORDER as of today is Thoughts and Questions on Philippians.  This is the third in my series of application-focused devotionals.  It is preceded by Thoughts and Questions on Galatians and Thoughts and Questions on Ephesians.   If you wish personalized copies of any of these, email me at aramisthorn@aramisthorn.com

Coming in November will be my newest novel, The Judas Scroll.  It is intended to ask the questions we never seem to ask about the apostle everyone seems to hate.  As we draw closer to publication, I will offer a teaser or two.  We will also have a swag and a free book contest in October.  

Speaking Engagements:
Seeing as we have less COVID and more time, I am available to travel.  I would be glad to visit your group, church, book club, or other events to speak on my journey, writing, or anything relative to faith and following.  Contact me HERE to arrange an engagement. 

I have also established an accountability team to keep me focused on my work with integrity.  They are dear to me and I wish to thank them for their willingness to serve.  Part of the joy in the journey is having others around me to advise, counsel, and support me. 

Finally, please continue to pray for me as I map new territory and seek new horizons.  I will provide an update for Project Tortoiseshell soon as well.  Feel free to ask your questions and share your thoughts. 

Wishing you joy in the journey, 

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon            
Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
Bookings: aramisthorn@aramisthorn.com
BLOG Archive:  http://aramisthorn.blogspot.com/ 

New things in the journey.

GPS (God’s Positioning System) ~ Standing by the Door

Greetings Dear Reader, 

I miss having a fellow traveler.  A friend recently asked me if I was dating anyone.  I am not.  I do have a deep-seated loneliness that yearns for companionship.  I used to try to feed this and it caused me to be self-centered and unloving. 

As I have focused on seeking the Father and loving him with all I am, my behavior has had to change.  This has not abated the desire or loneliness.  It has allowed me to learn how seeking my own satisfaction is unhealthy and harmful.  If I allow the Father to put me where he wishes and use me as he wills, I do not feel the need to feed my own wants. 

It seems that I am positioned by the door or even by the gate.  When the Father positions me on the fringe, I am privileged to encounter those who need someone on the edge.  I can harness grace and kindness to make others feel welcome.  I can charge the approach others have to the Father with love. 

This also allows me to engage with those trying to get out.  They do not realize how ruined they are for life outside.  The air outside of following Christ is unfit for those who have received the breath of the Spirit.  When they leave his presence and stop following, they find they are always struggling for peace and breath at some level.  If I stand by the exit, I can offer alternatives to leaving.  I can lovingly hear their fears and pain.  I can share my own time out there wandering and explain why it does not work. 

As long as the Father has me positioned here, I will do all I can to keep watch and tend the fires.  If you are seeking a way in or out, you can tell me and I will love you and listen to your heart.  What I must do, Dear Reader is guard my own heart so that it focuses on the Father instead of my own weaknesses.  I will keep the fire burning and gladly show you the way to the lighted inn if you ask. 

You are the only one who can decide if you will go in.  The Father will compel you but not force you.  The Son will draw you to himself.  The Spirit will show you why you must go.  I am here just to love you and welcome you. 

I Stand by the Door - An Apologia for my Life - Samuel Moore Shoemaker

I stand by the door.
I neither go too far in, nor stay too far out.
The door is the most important door in the world -
It is the door through which men walk when they find God.
There is no use my going way inside and staying there,
When so many are still outside and they, as much as I,
Crave to know where the door is.
And all that so many ever find
Is only the wall where the door ought to be.
They creep along the wall like blind men,
With outstretched, groping hands,
Feeling for a door, knowing there must be a door,
Yet they never find it.
So, I stand by the door. 

The most tremendous thing in the world
Is for men to find that door - the door to God.
The most important thing that any man can do
Is to take hold of one of those blind, groping hands
And put it on the latch - the latch that only clicks
And opens to the man's own touch.
Men die outside the door, as starving beggars die
On cold nights in cruel cities in the dead of winter.
Die for want of what is within their grasp.
They live on the other side of it - live because they have not found it.
Nothing else matters compared to helping them find it,
And open it, and walk in, and find Him.
So, I stand by the door. 

Go in great saints; go all the way in -
Go way down into the cavernous cellars,
And way up into the spacious attics.
It is a vast, roomy house, this house where God is.
Go into the deepest of hidden casements,
Of withdrawal, of silence, of sainthood.
Some must inhabit those inner rooms
And know the depths and heights of God,
And call outside to the rest of us how wonderful it is.
Sometimes I take a deeper look in.
Sometimes venture in a little farther,
But my place seems closer to the opening.
So, I stand by the door. 

There is another reason why I stand there.
Some people get part way in and become afraid
Lest God and the zeal of His house devour them;
For God is so very great and asks all of us.
And these people feel a cosmic claustrophobia
And want to get out. 'Let me out!' they cry.
And the people way inside only terrify them more.
Somebody must be by the door to tell them that they are spoiled.
For the old life, they have seen too much:
One taste of God and nothing but God will do any more.
Somebody must be watching for the frightened
Who seek to sneak out just where they came in,
To tell them how much better it is inside.
The people too far in do not see how near these are
To leaving - preoccupied with the wonder of it all.
Somebody must watch for those who have entered the door
But would like to run away. So, for them too,
I stand by the door. 

I admire the people who go way in.
But I wish they would not forget how it was
Before they got in. Then they would be able to help
The people who have not yet even found the door.
Or the people who want to run away again from God.
You can go in too deeply and stay in too long
And forget the people outside the door.
As for me, I shall take my old accustomed place,
Near enough to God to hear Him and know He is there,
But not so far from men as not to hear them,
And remember they are there too.
Where? Outside the door -
Thousands of them. Millions of them.
But - more important for me -
One of them, two of them, ten of them.
Whose hands I am intended to put on the latch. 

So, I shall stand by the door and wait
For those who seek it.
'I had rather be a door-keeper
So, I stand by the door. 

Wishing you joy in the journey, 

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good. 

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon            
Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
Bookings: aramisthorn@aramisthorn.com
BLOG Archive:  http://aramisthorn.blogspot.com/ 

Those standing watch are also in the right position.

23 May 2021

GPS (God’s Positioning System) ~ Doldrums

Greetings Dear Reader, 

The "doldrums" is a popular nautical term that refers to the belt around the Earth near the equator where sailing ships sometimes get stuck on windless waters.  When there are seafaring movies involving this, I become very restless.  Being in the doldrums troubles me. 

The term also refers to inactivity, stagnation, and depression.  We can get stuck in any of these and it becomes serious.  It is important to distinguish between the three.  Inactivity can be voluntary or involuntary.  If we voluntarily have a time of inactivity, we can do so for the purpose of rest or recovery.  Stagnation is almost always unhealthy.  It is the result of a lack of flow.  We think of ponds that become stagnant because of the loss of infusion of fresh water.  Depression is never healthy and not part of what I ponder today. 

My focus is on inactivity and the danger of stagnation.  Since Jesus is our living water, we must never become stagnant.  We have the infusion of life for every moment if we yield to the Spirit and follow the Son.  In this imposed time of inactivity whilst I heal, I must avoid becoming stagnant.  I have done this before and it was detrimental to my life.  

If the Father has me sitting for a bit, I must seek him in the sitting.  I must consider inactivity as active listening, learning, and growing.  The idea is to see this as the Father guiding me direction to sit with him and learn.  I have desires and dreams I wish to move forward.  Doing so outside of the Father’s permission and provision is foolish.  

The Father has me in the doldrums at the moment.  I must use the time to learn from him.  I must allow that he has positioned me here for a purpose whether I know His purpose or not.  Just because I do not know the reason for my time of rest does not mean my obligation to love the Father in it is lessened, Dear Reader.  Following faithfully may mean sitting and waiting.  I must be at peace with this and find joy in it. 

Wishing you joy in the journey, 

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good. 

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon            
Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
Bookings: aramisthorn@aramisthorn.com
BLOG Archive:  http://aramisthorn.blogspot.com/ 

When in virtual doldrums, I become impatient if I do not guard my mind and heart.

22 May 2021

GPS (God’s Positioning System) ~ When Matters

Greetings Dear Reader, 

One of the challenges for creating transporter technology is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.  It states that we can know the location of a particle of matter or the speed of a particle of matter but one cannot know both at once.  The difficulty here is timing.  The challenge is centered on time. 

To successfully transport a person is about moving every particle of that person from point to point with harmony in every moment.  If not, the result is unpleasant.  I imagine that it would require more than the average GPS to do this. 

The Father is not uncertain regarding how he wishes to transport us home.  He wishes for us to seek and follow the Son in every single moment.  His positioning system is always accurate and never fails.  He desires for us to know him in the constant now.  His wish is that we love him with all that we are in every moment. 

God’s positioning system puts us where he wishes us to be constantly.  Time becomes the transport in which we live instead of the fire in which we burn.  Instead of being driven by the cares of life, we are carried on the wind of the Spirit.  I realize that this all sounds metaphorical but it is difficult for finite beings to comprehend the constant now.  We move through each moment, living in the now when we follow Christ with all that we are. 

In order to be carried on the wind of the Spirit, I must seek Christ in every moment.  This has to be at the heart of all that I do.  If I am to love the Father properly, I must seek the Son every moment and allow the grace and mercy of the Spirit to transport me.  In this, Dear Reader, we can all find our way home.  The Father will position us where he wills and we will find all that we need in the adventure.  That is a beautiful place to be. 

Wishing you joy in the journey, 

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good. 

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon            
Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
Bookings: aramisthorn@aramisthorn.com
BLOG Archive:  http://aramisthorn.blogspot.com/ 

Time becomes the transport in which we live instead of the fire in which we burn.

21 May 2021

GPS (God’s Positioning System) ~ Opening Thoughts

Greetings Dear Reader, 

There is a portion of my heart that I ponder every day.  As I have been in a time of forced semi-convalescence, I have pondered it more deeply.  I have had to be obedient to my physician’s orders but there has been little peace in my obedience. 

You see, Dear Reader, I am a very restless soul.  I have had to cancel travel plans due to an injury to my foot.  I have not been able to continue my exercise routine.  I have been limited in the wandering that eases my mind and brings me peace.  All of this has been during a beautifully mild spring. 

Let me say first that the staff at the wound care center here could not be more wonderful.  From the outset, they have made me feel welcome and confident of their care for me.  Each of them is kind and engaging.  My physician is compassionate, thorough, and skilled.  They take their time with me and make sure I understand what to do between visits. 

I am doing my best to be obedient and accountable.  Still, my desire to be on the road and realize my dreams remain just out of my grasp.  I ponder almost every day the words Jesus said to Nicodemus: 

Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.  That which has been born of the flesh is flesh, and that which has been born of the Spirit is spirit.  Do not be amazed that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’  The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it is coming from and where it is going; so is everyone who has been born of the Spirit.” 

That last sentence calls to me like a sea siren.  I long to be in a life that is subject only to the wind of the Spirit sending me where it will.  I have tasted this and determined that God’s positioning system is the best way to navigate the journey home.  What I need to do is ponder the specifics of my desires relative to this truth.  I must frame all that I wish in reference to obedience to the statements of Jesus and the leading of the Spirit. 

Over the next few days, I intend to do this.  I have thoughts and questions about this that must be in line with the heart of the Father or they must be removed from my heart.  Since I am sure that the desires in my heart are centered on what the Father has already shown me, I must interpret my circumstances in light of how my situation and my mission align.  Please walk with me as I attempt to reconcile my situation and my avocation.  I value any input you may have as we ponder and palaver. 

The Road – Sweet Comfort Band 

I'm livin' it out on the road
And I've got so far to go
The one that I love is at home
And she is a part of me
I stare at the road 'til my eyes turn red
The book on my lap
And the thought in my head of you
And all you have done for me

Somethin' keeps drivin' me on
When I just don't want to go
I carry this feelin' inside
That nobody want to know
So why would you choose to be using me
I've never been quite what they want to see from you
It's all I can do

The road is so demanding, Lord
I can't give more than I have
I know how much I need your love
I can't give more than you've given me

And I stand in some corner backstage
And eat what's not good for me
I sleep in another hotel
With the radio on
And I dream of my home where I belong
And I didn't just travel this far for a song or two
But I'll do it for you

The road is so demanding, Lord
I can't give more than I have
I know how much I need your love
I can't give more than you've given me

Well I know that the number one thing
Is spending my time with you
And this road gives me plenty of time
To hear what you have to say
Sometimes you don't speak a word at all
But here I am waiting to answer your call to me
And I hope you can see
I'm out on the road 

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good. 

Contacts for Aramis Thorn:
Support Page on Patreon: www.patreon.com/aramisthorn
Novels: From My Publisher or on Amazon            
Web Page:  www.aramisthorn.com
Bookings: aramisthorn@aramisthorn.com
BLOG Archive:  http://aramisthorn.blogspot.com/ 

Understanding how to use a GPS is valuable.