04 December 2020

Be Born in Me ~ Belief is the Beginning

Happy Christmas Dear Reader,

What did you write down yesterday?  I hope it was something you could carry through the season with you and beyond.  Feel free to share it with me publicly or privately if you wish.  If you are just stopping by this series, I have asked that at the end of each post you write down a single thing that can encourage you.  Whether you share it with me or not is not what matters.  That you gain something from your visit is.

This past Sunday I had the opportunity to meet someone that I already love for the first time.  I met two-month-old Tom.  His parents, Rachel and Tripp are dear friends of mine and I have been praying for Tom his entire life.  This tiny infant is filled with the beauty and potential of all life.  He is a clean slate for the Father to guide into something amazing.  

I did what I do with all babies when I hold them the first time.  I whispered that “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) I want every infant’s first impression of me to be an invitation to believe.

Our focus on Mary this season reminds us that she believed.  There was no question in her if what the angel suggested was possible.  Her only question was the how of it since she was a virgin.  Her immediate response is belief.  We will talk more about that further down the path.

My focus today is that belief is the beginning.  I have seen too much not to believe.  There was a time when my belief did not guide my heart.  The line from the movie The Santa Clause is irrevocably true when it comes to Jesus; “Seeing is not believing, believing is seeing.”  We cannot hope to begin to understand the birth of Christ without faith.

As with all things, the Father requires that we approach his Son in faith.  We cannot begin to comprehend the depth of his love for us and must, therefore, exercise faith.  This one child is different from all others.  It is from that belief that all other beliefs become possible.  It is belief that is the beginning of all that we hope to find in Christ.

This season I am doubling down on belief.  The celebration of Christ’s advent is something I embrace with all that I am or hope to become.  I ask you to consider what you believe about Jesus, Dear Reader.  I am going to love you no matter what your answer is.  Still, write it down and see if it satisfies.  If it does not, we can discuss it if you wish.  Belief is the beginning of allowing Christ to be born in us. 

One Small Child – David Meace

One small child in a land of a thousand
One small dream of a Savior tonight
One small hand reaching out to the starlight
One small Savior of life
One king bringing his gold and riches
One king ruling an army of might
One king kneeling with incense and candlelight
One king bringing us life

See Him lying a cradle beneath Him
See Him smiling in the stall
See His mother praising His Father
See His tiny eyelids fall

See the shepherds kneeling before Him
See the kings on bended knee
Oh, See the mother praising the Father
See the Blessed infant sleep.

One small child in a land of a thousand
One small dream of a Savior tonight
One small hand reaching out to the starlight
One small Savior of life

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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Bookings: aramisthorn@aramisthorn.com
BLOG Archive:  http://aramisthorn.blogspot.com/ 

“One small dream of a Saviour tonight” – David Meace

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