22 November 2019

Simple Gratitude ~ Orion

Greetings Dear Reader,

This time of year, I am always enchanted by the constellation Orion hanging low in the chilling sky.  It was one of the first constellations I noticed when I was young and my Grandfather used to make up stories about the hunter and his faithful dog companion.

Some pictures depict him with a bow.  This is where I first began to love the bow and wish to learn to use one.  My Grandfather taught me archery because of this.  We would sit in the early-morning darkness when hunting together. He would whisper stories of the hunter to me including the surrounding constellations as his foes and companions.  For most of my young life, seeing Orion was a connotation to my past that I cherished.

Then, in 2010 my astral hunter friend became all the dearer to me. After much anticipation, on this day, my Grandson, Orion was born.  I love him with a depth that I cannot plumb.  He is intelligent, kind, and creative.  He is one of the great joys of the future that I see.

Each time I see his starry namesake, I whisper like my Grandfather used to whisper in the early morning.  My whisper, however, is not a story but a prayer.  I ask the Father to pour out his love on both my Grandsons and help them to see the richness of that love.  I express my gratitude for the things that are possible because Orion is in the world.  I see the potential in him. 

Today, my simple gratitude is that of being able to be reminded of the beauty that exists between grandfathers and their Grandsons.  I will celebrate him all that I am able and will constantly pray for him to see the grace and mercy available to him through Jesus.  Look up at the stars Dear Reader.  Find Orion and see his beauty.   Perhaps, you too can find something for which to be grateful.  Happy birthday Orion.

Orion – Jethro Tull

Orion, won't you give me your star sign
Orion, get up on the sky-line
I'm high on my hill and I feel fine
Orion, let's sip the heaven's heady wine

Orion, light your lights: come guard the open spaces
from the black horizon to the pillow where I lie.
Your faithful dog shines brighter than its lord and master
Your jeweled sword twinkles as the world rolls by.

So come up singing above the cloudy cover
Stare through at people who toss fitful in their sleep.
I know you're watching as the old gent by the station
Scuffs his toes on old fag packets lying in the street

Orion, won't you give me your star sign
Orion, get up on the sky-line
I'm high on my hill and I feel fine
Orion, let's sip the heaven's heady wine

And silver shadows flick across the closing bistro.
Sweet waiters link their arms and patter down the street,
Their words lost blowing on cold winds in darkest Chelsea.
Prime years fly fading with each young heart's beat

Orion, won't you make me a star sign
Orion, get up on the sky-line
I'm high on your love and I feel fine
Orion, let's sip the heaven's heady wine

And young girls shiver as they wait by lonely bus-stops
After sad parties: no-one to take them home
To greasy bed-sitters and make a late-night play
For lost virginity a thousand miles away.
Orion, won't you make me a star sign
Orion, get up on the sky-line
I'm high on your love and I feel fine
Orion, let's sip the heaven's heady wine

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn
Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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